Twin Cities landman Rick Mc Clellan called me 2x today--I wasn't home 1st time. Wants to offer me 1500 an acre & 25% interest--states offer will go down to $1000 an acre in 10 days. Any comments? ....course he told me Samson would force pool us in a few months anyway. I'n the only relative he could find phone # for. I am grateful to this site & people like KB, Skip & others assisting in not letting these offers overwhelm me. P.S. I wasn't anxious to sign at $10k either altho it wasn't offered.

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Tell him to take a flying leap into Samson's force pool.
Okay, & I'll tell him the Cathaus said so....:-)
Now that's a better thought...tell Twin Cities we'll sic Cathaus on them! That'll make them tremble, for sure. See also Skip Peel's response under Samson discussion under main page.
If says you where hold out then tell them you want to see the offer that was made back then and what were the offers made at the same time. $1500 is just not going to do it.
I'd run over the lot of them with my new Hoverround!
Twin Cities' new strategy is to pit neighbor against neighbor. Classy, really classy.
What are the geologic reports for your area? I know someone north of Bossier City who just signed for $15000 , that's fifteen thousand, per acre. Got his check in January. I'd contact some other companies myself and see if they want the land to unitize themselves and leave Twin Cities with too few acres to unitize
My section has already been unitized (Samson Contour) - part of ten sections....The closest well that I know of is 4 miles northwest. My siblings & I are in no hurry to lease, if ever. Thx for info about Bossier City-
Flairs. If the "someone" you mention received their check in January, then they "signed" last year. Not "just signed". Until HA wells in north Bossier are completed with significantly greater production than those in north Caddo, $15,000 is a pipe dream. And the comments above pertain to TC seeking leases. Not drilling & production unit applications.
T 18 R 15 S 24
offer of........ $2000 / 22 1/2% or $1500 / 25 %......from Twin Cites today. will drop by $500 each in 10 days.

L/M said "the shale in this area wasnt as "sweet" as in other places"....

my response..."I need 100% vs 25%..... lets go down together"...[ only got 2 acres in this section anyway].....ride'm cowboy!!
Great going Ray! Let them drop it down all they want, they still won't strong arm me into signing with them.
Yep. That's my theory too. If they want me to believe the shale is not good under my feet, then they won't mind breaking off a 40% royalty for the paultry bonus they offer. Otherwise, I'll just keep 100%.
Twin Cities still trying to get 18 15 04 leases for pennies on the dollar.



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