I am surprised no one has posted anything about Tellurian in this the Natchitoches group.  They have been signing leases over the last year in at least 30 different sections.  Most of these sections have never had a horizontal wells.  Some are sections that XTO drilled and abandoned.  They are taking leases outside of what was previously considered the edge of the play.  Does anyone else have any information.

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I know they have been leasing in section 11 T9N-R10W. Between Marthaville and Ajax.

I know that they have leased all of section 28 T10 R10.  This is the section that XTO drilled and P&A without completing.  If you look at the recent wells in section 29 by SWN they look to be good wells.  Also SWN is drilling right now in Sections 6 & 7 T10 R9.  I think these wells performance are important to the leasing in the area.  That is my speculation and not a professional opinion.

Those locations would be minor "step outs".  Note that all the sections mentioned are on the far west side of 10N-10W and 9N-10W.  Leasing further east of Natchitoches Island would be a real surprise.

I just read this article about Tellurian potentially selling part of their business.  I watch their stock and yesterday it was an all time low.  I hope that if they sell there leases in the Natchitoches area then they will get drilled.  


Looks like they sold their upstream and will now be able to focus more on Haynesville. I was contacted yesterday by a company to buy the mineral rights on tracts that Tellurian leased last year in section 11 T9N-R10W. Maybe its heating up.

Yes we have had two separate offers to purchase minerals in the last week.  Some of Tellurians leases hit the 3 year primary term in the end of 2024.  Unless Aethon wants to either pay the 2 year extension or loose the leases then they will need to start drilling in 2024.  The next months will be interesting to see if Aethon starts drilling or starts leasing in the sections that Tellurian had partially leased. .

Extending the leases will be most likely option if there are concerns about gas drilling economics. Acreage costs are insignificant when compared to drilling and completion costs for these wells.

Brian & Rock Man, I have just been informed  that there is some leasing West of Fairview Alpha.  Also in the Natchitoches Times, today, there is an application by Chesapeake for Haysville Shale drilling with three additional drillings.  No Township, Range or Sections listed and no Longitude or Latitude.  It lists the area as just Alpha Map.  Can you respond to this with more detailed information and help for all in this and surrounding areas.  Thank you, both!

The Chesapeake unit application is for double section units in 11N-8W.  The proposed units are immediately south of Fairview Alpha.  The application is on the Commissioner's public hearing schedule for Feb. 18.

HA RA SUM is Sections 6&7

HA RA SUL is Sections 5&8

HA RA SUK is Sections 4&9.

Here is a link to the application:  https://sonlite.dnr.state.la.us/dnrservices/redirectUrl.jsp?dDocnam...

See attached info from ENVERUS

Lease filings in Natchitoches Parish over the past 12 months

  • Orange circles/ pies

The yellow icons are permits over the past several years

The Cluster of orange pies / circles in NW part of 11N 8W tie to the three new CHK permits Skip has noted in his reply

  • Leases were filed under the name of Prestige Exploration in latter part of 2024

Rig symbols are active rigs in this area


It certainly isn't Tellurian.  Could be Aethon since the company acquired Tellurian's Haynesville units.  Then again since these are new units, it could be another HA operator.  Prestige Exploration is a land company and is leasing for a client.

Thank god they released us in 2019 and Azul leased us in 2022. SWN now holds the lease

Section 20, Township 11 North, 10 West,
Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana


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