OK, so I'm about to do two things that I really don't like doing here: talking outside the scope of the oil and gas business and pertinent topics, and talking about myself here. My usual better judgment is being overwhelmed by something that has struck me of late here at GHS.

My concern is the amount of inflammatory rhetoric that I have both witnessed and experienced as of late. Particularly, my concern is to how quickly such give and take can devolve into the personal or petty, or both. To some, it may seem odd that such a comment may come from me - with all of my best intentions to maintain good manners, when I feel someone steps over the line with me, another longtime member or someone offering good or well-intentioned advice, and don't get the hint, I've been known to throw an elbow or two. Not exactly the shrinking violet. Recently, I've had such a dustup with another member who I feel has extended an olive branch in the form of a post that also revealed reasons and motivations that rang true with some of the earliest themes that were discussed on this forum.

Why did most of us end up here in the first place? Certainly they were some then, as I am sure is the case now, that came here purposefully to advance a particular agenda, or to gain some intel from "the folks" that were and are part of this community. One would hope that these elements remain at the fringes as they have in the past. Most of us did come wanting to share our knowledge and experience and perhaps learn something from others, as well as gain some larger perspective. As an industry person that had some friends and in-laws in the broader HS area, I fielded some questions and gave advice to those who reached out to me. Like many people, I was impressed at the speed which the leasing unfolded once the lease boom began, and amazed at the level of competition which led to increasing bonuses to stratospheric levels. I was irked by the many stories of misinformation, mistreatment of lessors, disregard for their interests and lack of professionalism and ethics shown by some, albeit some of that originating from lack of experience shown in many people that suddenly claimed the title "landman". Unfortunately, many successful lease acquisitions were made possible by a combination of such activities and behavior and a lack of knowledge on the part of many prospective lessors, some of which were being counseled by other nearly-as-experienced "experts". I felt drawn into this community to hopefully educate and inform in a pragmatic manner, albeit one informed by industry experience and perspective.

I was kept "drawn in" by some of the amazing personalities and discussions that I have had the privilege to interact with and participate in. Even when becoming involved in heated, passionate discussions, the variety of perspectives and substance of the discussions yielded mountains of information, which benefitted the community as a whole, but most of all supplied those looking for information and education a great place to come, and join, and be.

I for one would hate to lose that spirit here. I realize that the Haynesville is not necessarily the "hot hand" as it was five years ago, but I still would like to encourage others and support this forum as a continued "go to" place. I am disappointed at some of the departures of other regular contributing industry members, but I can understand it, particularly in light of some bashing of industry professionals seemingly for the industry affiliation. I would like to extend an invitation to some of those folks to return, realizing that it would be a difficult request if, upon their return, they become the subject of renewed personal attacks.

Obviously, this isn't my site, or should I say, it's not just my site. It belongs to all of us, for as long as we keep it alive and foster good discussion and good content. I have been part of online forums that deteriorated into "flame fests" - they sometimes reboot or reincarnate, but many just end up folding, which I obviously would not want to happen to GHS. So, I realize recalling Rodney King's famous phrase post-LA riots may come across dated and corny, but... Please?

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I've said it before, but I would like to say it again.  I sincerely appreciate all of the knowledge that is shared on this site, by both the professionals and the novices.

I am with Bobi - this site is a blessing for those of us not a part of the O & G industry... the knowledge that is shared on the site is invaluable... and some of the bickering is entertaining!

I am on a couple of other sites, however one talks at a level beyond my knowledge and bashes the 'Newbie' with a hammer. The other talks around the O & G industry and is certain that the industry can do no wrong. Haynesvilleshale allows the Newbie, Undereducated, Novices and Professionals to merge their thoughts into my site and discuss the issues, pertinent to the O & G industry or not.

Thanks to all who give input and especially to the Professionals that devote their education and experience to the rest of us.

I don't post here much but I did want to express my appreciation for this site and all of you "industry" people who go out of your way to post! I've been reading for over 5 years and am a little addicted to the real time info I can find out.

I would like to throw out one caveat for all of the newer people to the boards. First off, I am part of a group that is both a large mineral owner and operator.

Be careful what information you take as fact on this site! The more you read and follow certain posters the more you can weed out the good and accurate information from the, let's just say, not so accurate. There have been a few times I have read info about our group that is just not correct. But alas, that is what you get with a free message board!

Still love the site though!

It is nearly impossible to read any kind of response to a story that gets posted in the electronic media, without having someone throw hate in your face. What’s up with that?

It doesn’t matter if the subject is business, news, sports, entertainment, politics, or religion. Anything at all, seems to be an excuse for an amazing number of people to unload their rage and intolerance. These people invariably hide their identity with a screen name like “#imabee123”, or some such false moniker. (No offense intended, if you use a screen name or if your screen name is actually the one I made up.) We are all just stating opinions. We have individual perspectives. We are only human and will not always be 100% correct. If we acknowledge that, we might learn something from each other

Why all the hate? Is cruel supposed to be cool? Is being derisive and insulting a proof of your position? Does filthy language underscore your adult and well informed perspective? Is intolerance the evidence of your willingness to engage in intelligent debate? Does ridicule establish your superiority? What ever happened to civility?

I try not to offend anyone. We’re all just stating an opinion and trying to share from our perspective. I don’t hate you, and I won’t attack you if you disagree with me.

I’m concerned that there is an undercurrent in our society of people who are so enraged and bitter, so unable to express their feelings and thoughts in everyday life that they are on the edge of violence. Why are so many people so enraged?

Having asked this question, I fully expect a response like, “you stupid *&^%!# low life weasel. Its ignorant *^%*$#% like you, who tick me the  #$%^ off.”

That said, Keith does a pretty good job of monitoring the threads and dealing with inappropriate comments, without interfering in the discussions.


On the subject of land/mineral owners and leasing, I offer this; If you own minerals, chances are that some landman will contact you and try to get you to sign a lease. The landman usually represents the O&G company. The landman may or may not be reputable. The O&G company may or may not be reputable. You should do some research. People are people wherever you find them. There may be people in your own family who are disreputable, but that doesn’t mean that everyone in your family is disreputable. Business is business and should be conducted in a business-like manner.

Most of the time, you will agree on whatever terms and you will be paid the bonus money. Most of the time, nothing else will happen after that. You got paid bonus money for a signature on paper. Then, when that lease expires another landman will come along with another lease offer. That may continue, every five years or so. You will be paid bonus money for a lease. There may or may not be drilling. There may or may not be production established that includes your mineral interest in your tract. Some things are negotiable and some things aren’t. There are never any guarantees.

Never trust anyone who guarantees that they will (or won’t) drill a well on your land. The whole process is speculative, for everyone involved. That’s why the oil and gas companies call a new venture in a new area or using newer technology, a prospect. If you are fortunate enough to have some mineral interest in a prospect, you are more fortunate than  most of your fellow Americans.

Differences in opinion will happen.  They are inevitable.  When we express opinions,  explain positions, post supporting data, link pertinent articles and disagree without being personal, the purpose of the site which is to inform and share information is advanced.  Posting an opinion or data that is contrary to the opinion or position of another is not a personal attack.  It is the kind of give and take that helps members figure out who and what they choose to find relevant. A choice which is solely their prerogative.

The management of a mineral interest is not a morality play.  It is a business decision.  The business is complex and experienced professional assistance is the best means to a favorable outcome.

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Are there some having difficulty assimilating to the rules?  Is GHS, and its regulars,having difficulty meeting the bar of expectations?

A lot of us have left the GHS web site, some were O&G professionals and others were mineral owners. Many mineral owners got all the info that they needed then leased while some of the professionals that helped out these mineral owners were depicted as crooks and left the site. As for assimilating to rules and meeting the bar of expectation, that's your call. Free info was there for a while from the professionals, the public ran them off. 

Is it possible to throw them a bone to distract them into fresh uproar with news that they weren't tweeted of the EBT glitch at the Springhill and Many Wal-Marts? 

I've got me one of those new-fangled "unlimited" EBT cards  :).  Almost as good as mailbox money.

How about thinking of it as having graduated, college and career ready?

#buzzwords  #gotmine  #ain'tnostoppingusnow

be a duck, have two flat feet and etc.

you need thick skin for the internet.  always have, always will.

the reason arguments become emotional is usually because that's how most people operate in their daily lives, by what they "feel" and not what they "think."

trust me, no amount of logic and reason will penetrate some people.  i proved that to myself over and over and over again on this site.  some of them i think knew better and just argued primarily based on political convictions.  some were just ignorant and emotional.

i have been on the net since the '90's, and everybody was anonymous.  i guess i'm just "old school" in that way, but really i like being able to speak my mind without someone i know getting their feelings hurt.  i'm "very" local to the haynesville and know lots and lots of folks involved with different aspects of the play.

i've dropped plenty of clues as to who i am, because people smart enough to figure it out are automatically screening themselves well enough so that i don't care if they know who i am or not.  it's happened a couple of times so far.

so i guess what i'm getting at, people who feel they've been screwed over are often inconsolable.  it's a lot like arguing politics, you're probably not going to convince anyone any different from what they've made up their mind to think.  and thin-skinned industry people are much the same way, they can't handle criticism from the unwashed masses.  so it goes, either you get some thick skin and shrug off the dumb crap or you better enjoy pointless arguments.  alternatively, there's the final solution... just don't participate at all.

i respect dion and the other pros on the site.  that being said while i think this thread is heartfelt and full of good intentions, i don't think it will end up being very productive.

what makes ghs a good site is the BALANCE of pros and other folks.

there is bad info on EVERY blog under the sun - but bad info on ghs is usually quickly corrected. the pros like to debate and share. I've never seen a "false" post go unchallenged. It may have happened but every post with incorrect info has been answered by someone knowledgeable. It's the balance that makes ghs work.


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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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