anyone heard of Lone Star Land Dev. , or 67 development

they have been around plain dealing area for a few weeks

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Yes i have deleted my comments...John has a job to do if you choose to work with him do bussiness with him, but at least contact him if you are interested to let him offfer what he has to offer
Mr. Logue, you have stated that you are built on facts and honesty. For the benefit of those reading this page and for your own good, I ask you to answer the following questions:

Why isn’t your company registered in Louisiana or Texas.

Why are you calling yourself Lone Star Land Development? This name is already registered in Texas with Dr. Osama Narwas as the registered agent. Is this your company?

What is incorrect about my research into 64 Development, which is registered in Texas yet has a principal address in an Indianapolis apartment.

What is the connection to Kite Realty Group (NYSE: KRG). In my conversation with both you and Mr. Cody Campbell, the principal of 64 Development, you both mentioned Kite as the ultimate source of funds.

How many Louisianans have received funds from a lease they signed with you?

If you cannot sell a lease during your 60 day title search period, how can you guarantee legally that you will not back out of your deal.

Why couldn’t you or Mr. Campbell identify your Louisiana attorney? Have you retained local counsel to help you understand the peculiarities of Louisiana law.

I presented you with two options for securing my lease: 1. provide a letter of credit contingent only upon my delivery of sound title or 2. have a letter of intent executed by Kite Realty Group rather than your company or Mr. Campbell’s. Why were you unwilling to consider either.
mr louge is a nice guy. That being said neither he nor mr Campbell are experts by any means. Cody Campbell was playing for the colts 3 years ago and Mr Louge a chef both honest positions but in no way making them industry movers and shakers.
Mr Logue,
do you plan on flipping the leases or drilling them?
why dont you poeple give the man a chance, I cant see anyone has come forward with any damnin evidence against the man, what is your company's website.
To all who are reading this thread:

Please read my comments carefully. I have not told anyone not to trust John Logue. I started by simply responding to a question by a fellow user about knowledge of his company and his associations with other companies. As PerazziBoy stated earlier, Mr. Logue is a genuinely nice man who I think believes he is being honest with people in this play.

I believe Mr. Logue has subjected himself to much criticism and skepticism due to his unwillingness or inability to answer specific questions about his company, his associations, and his methods of leasing land. I feel that most who are reading this would feel much better about him and ease up on the skepticism of him if he would answer specific questions to the best of his ability.

In a previous post yesterday, I listed several specific questions Mr. Logue has been asked that he has yet to respond to; other than to say he is honest and if you don't believe it you can call and ask him. When it comes to trusting an opportunity that will affect my relatives to the fourth and fifth generation to a man who is either unable or unwilling to answer specific questions with candor and verifiable facts, I am unwilling to do so, regardless of who he is or what group he represents.

If he and his associates truly have a major working interest in the Haynesville shale play, it should be no trouble whatsoever to give specific information regarding his activity. So far, I haven' seen it in any of his responses on this board.

Lastly: Mr. Logue, you stated in a meeting with my group that 64 Development would keep the purchased leases for themselves if they couldn't sell them to another party after 30 days. If you are "not in the business to flip leases, but to drill", why would you say such a thing? Have your company's intentions changed? It's another legitimate question that I suspect will go unanswered.

This is my last post on this subject. I believe I have wasted enough of my time with this.
If he pays you the money you agree to, then who cares if he flips the lease. That is how deals are made all of the time. You should do your homework....accept what you feel is fair....then be happy w/ your decision.
I know some folks who have signed leases with 64 Development for 10,000 per acre, but the way I understand it, they do have so many days to pay the money or void the lease. This is the way it was explained to me. Gentleman told me he was convinced they were trying to flip the lease, if unable to do that, lease would be voided after so many days. I do know for a fact these leases were recorded with the Caddo clerk of courts before any money has changed hands. Sounded odd to me at the time and still does.
I for one am taking John Logue as a man of his word. At this time, I have no reason not to believe him and I had a favorable impression when I first met him. Time will tell.
Go Haynesville Shale has been an indespensible site when it comes to protecting the rights of landowners, but I must say, I find it sad that a man "John Logue" has been subjected to such undeserved attacks. I have heard from several landowners that are happy with 64 Development and have been paid for the leases signed. In fact they have gotten a better deal from them than more noted "big time" players have even offered. Big companies do not like smaller operators in their territory and have no problem denigrating them. Unless someone comes up with factual information discrediting 64 Development, please do not spread rumours and innuendo based on what someone may "feel". Lets welcome the competition and see what happens.
Are you doing any leasing in Northern Bossier parish. t22n?
I thought that one of the first questions that we landowners are supposed to ask is "Is your company going to be the one that actually drills a well?". "If not, what will your company do with my lease?".



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