Any activity in North Bossier Parish? I own property NW of Plaindealing in an old community of Wardview. Any info would be appreciated

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I own property in wardview as well. The best i can gather is they have no interest. Although i do know of a friend of mine who just leased some land so that an old well could be reworked. His lease was for 250 an acre with 25%. I have several friends in the o&G field who tell me that someone would have to drill a wildcat well and prove something before we would ever see anything happen. I'm still skeptical about the naysayers that we have productive formations. I say this because I have been told as well that one reason for there being no interest in our area is due to the lack of transmision. But as you know that is about to change. If you wish to communicate more directly and stay in touch my email is

Per the Shreveport Scout Details (Sonris), KCS is drilling a Haynesville Sand (not Shale) deep well (Serial No. 237564) in the North Carterville Field...this is in the area of Redland which is ENE of Plain Dealing.
Hi John,
Can you post the link to the map you have showing the depts of the HS? I can't find it anywhere and I cant get it large enough to read well.
I too am looking for more information concerning the Plain Dealing area. I am most curious as to where the Haynesville Shale play comes is respect to the township. Someone out there must know. Does it go that far north or not? I wish someone in the know would let us know for sure once and for all.
Nancy, I've googled "haynesville shale map" and found several. I think everyone has a different opinion as to the limits at this time. We'll probably just have to wait and see.
Someone out there for sure ought to know if the Plain Dealing area is or is not in the Haynesville Shale play. Where is the stopping off point (north) as to far as it is suppose to go? And how east?
Nancy, I suggest you read the Tristone Capital Presentation. The link is located near the bottom of the main page under "Haynesville Shale Presentations". This document includes several different companies maps and the ones by Comstock, El Paso and Exco are noteworthy. The maps are not 100% accurate as the play is expanding based on more recent drilling results. Generally the view is the Haynesville Shale play does not extend north of Benton but you should continue to monitor this site for information.
Thanks, so very much , guys! I live in Texas and have no contact with anyone over there other than thru these forums. I have right at 4 acres in Plain Dealing within the city limits. But have not been over there since 1981. And I don't have any contacts left. This very thing can do a lot toward the furthering of Jesus Christ's work here on earth! Mine and my family's prayer is, that during this time, many, many lives be touched, prayers be answered and God's will be fulfilled in the lives of the people that will be touched. We pray as well that each will be willing to do their share in contributing more than their tithes to help the Word of God and his son Jesus Christ spread around the world.

God bless us all!



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