Contact Bobby Jindal

Thank you for your e-mail. Rest assured that you will receive a response from my office in a timely fashion, and that I take your concerns very seriously. If you have submitted a question or concern which requires the assistance of a state agency, your email will be shared with the appropriate agency, and you will receive a response from that agency soon.

Thank you again for contacting me, and please continue to keep me informed of your views on matters of importance. Please do not hesitate to contact my office in the future on matters of concern to you.

Very Truly Yours,

Bobby Jindal
Governor of Louisiana

Let's do it!!


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Post a link for sending that email to Gov. Bobby. Maybe a lot of folks will use it to do the same as you, I know I will. How much you want to be they come back saying the storm disrupted the database. LOL!
What puts yalls greed above the people down South that have real problems? I am sure that Gov Jindal has you on his mind at this time. Baton Rouge is in bad trouble so is points North and South of there. What gives you the right to be wanting to know about lease bonus money or other monies connected to oil and gas over storm damage? 68% of Rapides Parish is without power God only knows about South Louisiana and you want to know about some well. Why don't you climb on the boat and try to help others in our state instead of trying to line your pocketbook?
Time out!!!!! And FYI, I DO help children in this state every day in my profession. Yes, the Gov. is very busy right now, but there are people paid to monitor the activity on sites like the Gov.'s email & SONRIS and respond. I'm not expecting to get a lot of money out of this, maybe not even $100. I watch SONRIS so I can keep up with activity & be proactive about maintaining a nice neighborhood.

The governor was elected to serve ALL of Louisiana, and we're still a part of it and have our needs. But we can/will be tolerant & patient (up to a point) with this SONRIS glitch.
Baton Rouge is down so is the pathway to the more complicated parts of sonris and SLO. You can talk about children, I came close to losing my daughter in law and both my grandchildren when a 100 foot tall pine tree landed on their house right above where they were. If the house would have been of new construction we would have lost them, it would have cut through the house like a stick of butter. With power and internet down in Baton Rouge you cannot expect to get any kind of response. I didn't ask if you helped children or old people all I asked was if you cared more about oil money than you did about the people that have real problems because of the storm.
You made off topic accusations against people you don't even personally know. I felt it called for a defense. I'm sorry for your distress, and that of your family. They are in my prayers, including thankful prayers that they are blessed to be alive. End of this discussion.
If I made a personal attack then I am sorry. I know no one on this site. You can defend but the state is under no obligation to answer to you under times of trouble. Sonris has problems because of the storm. Thanks for your prayers.
I shouldn't have used the word greed because I think that all of you in the shale need to be paid a fair price for your mineral rights. This play looks like it will be more productive than the Barnett play in Texas, so why shouldn't you get paid more. The companies are going to keep the flow rates of the new wells a secret for as long as they can. It's not just the mineral owners that are trying to find out about output, other oil and gas people are trying to find out as well. I for one have been looking for information through all the sources that I can find. Here is one bit of information that I have found from a source that I feel is reliable, an oilfield contractor. Chesapeake has ordered 4 dehydration units for wells that are calibrated to do 40 million a day. It is my understanding, and correct me if I am wrong, that these dehydration units have to be built acording to what the well will do, not too much over or under.
Amen Two Dogs. Enough of these greedy people and their lease bonus monies. Have mercy on our south La. neighbors. We have much more time to hack our indifferences out about how much we are going to get than they do without water, electric, and gas and schools and etc.
Good lord sesport person. Are you truly that hard hearted or short sighted? Huge portions of this state are without electricity, some are flooded and oh by the way, there is another storm on its way. Every person in state government should be pulled off of non-essential activities and put to work getting power, water and sewage back to those impacted. When everyone is back up and running, then they can get back to your beloved day-to-day watching of SONRIS data. Get a freaking grip. Whining about SONRIS not working at times like these is a bit much.
You are right KB sesport is not hard hearted. I have had a hard week and just want to put it behind me. I know the people in Alexandria got hit with a one two punch and I am proud of the way most handled it. A large portion of the city was flooded both poor folks and rich folks pulled through like champs. My only complaint was with my sons State Farm agent that was notified on Tuesday morning of major damage and didn't show up to look at it until Friday. My State Farm agent would have been there on Tuesday. My son wanted to buy his homeowners policy from my agent but State Farm wouldn't let him they told him the agent to buy the policy from. This is something that need to be looked into.
Thank you, I appreciate your situation & your support. My first thought reading your original post was that something had gone terribly wrong for you. I've read your posts before and hadn't seen anything like that.

My original comment was intended as I do when electricity goes out. The more customers that call in give the power company a better idea how many are affected. It would be a shame if O&G companies decided to take advantage because Shale citizens didn't have access to an important piece of information.

I continue to pray for your family, and BTW can an insurance company tell someone which agent they HAVE to use?
Thats what gets my goat. My agent is someone that I grew up with. Seems that they have quotas that they go by.



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