We just got an offer from Chesapeake for $5500/acre +25%. Anyone else in this vicinity received offers?

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The landman handling our contract is Billy McDade w/Twin Cities on behalf of Chesapeake. His number is (318) 470-6686, he should be able to answer your questions.
Re: Center Station contract Do you know what happens if the 90% is not reached? Does the contract stipulate a specific lower amount you have to take or is it back to the drawing board? Thanks
First, I need to clarify. The 90% stipulation, pertains to a roster that Twin Cities asked interested parties to sign at one of our previous meetings. I originally thought it meant 90% of the residents in our 640 acre section. The roster had roughly 300 names on it. To answer your question....the contract would become null and void.
I personally think they are only bluffing about the 90% contingency and they actually are in a hurry now to sign as many people as they can for that price (8750.00) because they know it is a low ball figure. Anything under 10,000.00 is low, and I think 20,000.00 will soon become the norm.
I think you're right.....I heard today, from a VERY reliable source, that some residents on Bostwick Rd. signed contracts yesterday with Chesapeake for $15,500. I think it would be worth someone from the Blanchard organization to check it out.
Yes they did. But it was for $15,250. They signed
up yesterday, today and last day is tomorrow.

I have several parcels of land just to the northwest of your land...less than 2 miles as the crow flies. One is located in Section 13, Township 19 North, Range 16 West. In the mid 1980's, we signed a lease with Clements Energy for a 6,500 Ft. well which is still barely producing anything today. Because it is technically still producing, the operating company has the production rights on all levels and formations.

I spoke to them yesterday and they are in negotiations with Cheasapeake to drill a well in our unit.

I also have two other parcels of land currently under production in Sections 24 & 34, T 19N, R 15W with two Cotton Valley wells. The Gas Producer there is a smaller company that is closely watching a well being drilled by Goodrich into the H-Shale, 2 sections to our east. If that well produces as expected, our smaller producer, I am certain, will "partner-up" with one of the big boys, such as Goodrich or Chesapeake.
Ted --

Thanks for the update! My cousin is the person that has the signing rights for the family and she's the one who knows about the O&G industry. I'll forward your post to her -- I'm sure she'll find it useful.

Hi, I also have property in T19N R15W sec. 34, can you tell me where the well is located in this section, as I have not heard this before, and I have owned this property for the last 30 years. Thanks
Anyone signing the 18N15W leases tonight and tomorrow night?
Is there something going on with 18N15W tonight and tomorrow night?
Yes tonight.....


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