I am not trying to be a jerk but a certain user has uploaded a ridiculous amount of pictures that have absolutely nothing to do with the purpose of this website and it is causing users to spend to much time sorting through erroneus files to find pictures,maps, etc. that could be useful to discussing the play. I think this is somthing the administrator should fix. I anyone wants to know what I am talking about just peruse the photo section, this is a Haynesville Shale website not Flickr.

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I see what or rather who you moon.... er, mean!
lol, dont be moon, sorry, I meant dont be mean. Well if we get any cornier we might get banned.
I can read and have to say you guys have a point (you see I am stuck in the middle of Houston and the Hurricane is closing in ...boredom and experimentation)

In fact, I went ahead and removed the ones that were bulk added earlier.

Just so you know:
At 11:13pm on September 11th, 2008, /xn/detail/u_1lnmmw1af3b8cHaynesville said…
post some of your paintings when you get a chance...so you work with Green Peace?

FYI: I was just trying to lighten up things and have a little fun....but that's ok you can all joke at my expense, I have tough-skin...well-oiled but not as tan as Charlton Heston...
I agree completely, pleeeaaase don't add anymore.

I agree. Mooncookie should read and understand the words below. THAT is what this site is and should be about.

"All things, people, companies, places & geology related to the Haynesville Shale "
Don't Flickr have something to do with a horse?
Although, we on occasion like to bump heads. i must agree with you on the fact they are a refreshing break from what looked to be a bad map section in a library.
With multiple copies of the same maps.
KB ain't Flickr redneck for Flicka?
Believe some may have contracted a somewhat severe case of artistic envy. She was asked to post some of her photos on this site by Haynesville. And you know what they say: Give a mouse a cookie, and she'll want a glass of milk...........
Thank you for well-placed comments....Indeed you are a bit of a wordsmith yourself.

I will never back down on my exotic images, as many people do not travel enough!
As the globe closes in, we should have a visual idea of where our new "owners" come from.

In addition to posting frivolities, I also contribute eco and enviro related research and resources, as that is another of my hobbies.
I like your pics MC and think they should have a folder of their own. And I like a bit of frivolity myself. Just a bit of fun. I've enjoyed your posts and look forward to reading more. Well thought-out and -of.


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