Well as they say my wife and I are in a quandry. About 6 weeks ago we were contacted by a landman with St. Mary's exploration concerning some mineral rights that belong to my wife. We were unaware of these and it came as a shock to us. My wifes claim is approximately 4.167 Acres of Minerals in the Bigger Abstract 94 and 89. While we understand that anything we get money wise if something we didn't plan/know about my questions concern the $150.00 per acre, 18.75% royalties and a 3 year term. From what I have read here and else where on the net, that is low, way low. What should we expect from a lease in an around Center Texas. While we dont want to be greedy, we dont want to be taken advantage of either.

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Just another question, might even be in the wrong area or answered else where but here goes. With St Mary's not working the Haynesville Shale is it possible to lease to them with Depth restrictions and then lease the Haynesville to another company? I would rather take a chance on the Haynesville or at least get that into play but judging from talks with CHK they seem to be several miles north of my wifes MR's. I suppose with the current economic situation we will wait and see what the New Year brings...


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