Which companies are contacting people in Webster parish and what are they offering??

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I think Chesapeake and Petrohawk are the ones I've heard
most people mention, the most Ive heard of being offered
in north webster is $4000.00 per acre with 25% royalty.
Petrohawk is the only one I know of. I know two people have signed with them. One had around 40 acres and the other had around 30. Both could have gotten more if they waited. We are sitting on ours for awhile. We saw first hand in Dallas how the Barnett lease situation is still heating up. Our leasing situation around here is not even warm yet. All these companies are trying to buy up as much as they can before some around here get a clue as to what is going on.
We haven't been contacted. We own 16 acres in South Webster. I know that 15 acres were leased about 15 years ago, but we just get little nickel and dime checks from them. I contacted them and they told me that even though the well was not on my property, that since there was gas in the area that I was receiving royalties on( maybe $10 a quarter) it's theirs for life. So not fair. The other acre as far as I know has no leases on it. My neighbor just leased theirs but we have not been contacted. Not sure what to do.
Mommy of three,
Sounds REAL familiar to my situation. See the comment by Snake on my page. I think we're in the same boat on a long way to nowhere.
Hello my " Webster Parish Shale Moms" ( MOM & Mother_of_Three ,especially)I have had a very tough couple of days but you are in luck,because I am starting to feel like my old self again.I am going to cheer you two gals up! I promise that everything is going to be o.k.And I have NEVER,I repeat, NEVER ,lied to either one of you before,now have I ? Of course we really haven't ever met I don't guess, but if we had ,I would never lie to my"Shale Moms".That would border on unpardonable! I am trying to be somewhat humorous,thats just what I do! If you could see my hottie wife you would be forced to say "that humor stuff sure worked out for him".In all sincerity,you are going to be o.k.You must believe that the people holding your lease are greedy enough not to lose out on this oportunity to make a bundle.More money in a years time then in the 10 or 15 they have been sitting on your leases and yes that is all that has been happening.When you do get your first real royalty check ,please dont forget to call samson back again and thank them for finally making you some money after all those years! Be nice about it girls.Maybe even send the fruit cakes.....I mean send them a fruit cake for the Holidays.

Granted,you missed out on the big bonuses!Heck ,so did almost everybody else and they had a chance! You guys didn't have that oportunity.The only thing left for you guys is watching the mail box.While a few of us who were lucky enough to be "forgotten or overlooked" so far(doesn't that sound horrible)still have to claw and fight and try to get just a little bit more here,a little better there,not so much there.I am not looking forward to the confrontation with big O & G ! I talk a pretty good talk on this computer screen! You can hit backspace as often as you need to on this thing.You can't do that with big O & G.

I do feel sorrow for the ones that have been taken advantage of.The early ones who didn't see it coming.If you can say now that you haven't heard of the Haynesville Shale or that crazy people are running around throwing money away for totally worthless property,then I truely envy your ability to disconnect from this world that we live in.If you can sign now for next to nothing you are on your own.No crying time allowed for people who refused to join with their neighbors and try to make a difference in someone elses lives.You will see your error and it will be too late .Shame on you!Look how much it is costing you now!

I hope that this little note will bring some comfort to you.If not.............You sure are a tough crowd!!!!Goodnight ladies!
Well, you are right again! Waiting for the "real" royalty payment is the true test. When it comes in, I promise to be extremely nice to the O&G. After all, it is the right thing to do...you know, do unto others!

Everyone on this site has inspired me to call on my families and encourage them so they don't make any mistakes in the leasing process. Perhaps this information will trickle down to their friends as well.

We admire the contributions that you have made to this website. I'm certain that mommy of three, Kassi and everyone will agree. You're really good at helping people and I think you should continue. Most people do not understand what is going on here and if they have a computer, they will google there first (I did).

Thank you for everything.
Mom (Dad, kids and dog)
Myself and 2 neighbors pooled about 130 ac and sold to Petrohawk for 3000/ac with 25% royalty. This is in TWN 19 in south Webster. We have been told that Petrohawk is no longer leasing in 19 at least for now. We were told that it would probably be 3 years before they spudded a well here. The big bonuses paid are not in this area. There are no wells in TWN 19 and they don't know what this area will produce.
Thanks for all the insight. My property is in twn17. section 23, 24 and 16. Whether or not this makes a difference I dunno. Lol. Guess we will just sit back and wait and see. My neighbor sold 90 acres for $2,000 acre. They were in desperate need of the money, so they took the first offer. Still waiting on the check. Hopefully Mom and I will see profits eventually. Least we have our health (hopefully). LOL
How are my "shale mommies " today.I hope you are doing well.I hate to get your hopes up for nothing but I do not feel that I would be doing the right thing if I did not share this intel.I found out today at work that a gentleman that was already under lease ,was able to release his land due to the fact that his old lease only applied to deepest performing depth.Meaning that the Haynesville Shale depth was not being held by old lease.It is a shot in the dark but who knows,you may find yourself in the same boat.It is certainly worth a shot in my opinion.Dont take anyones word for anything.Find your old lease papers and look for depth clauses(pugh clause I think it is called).
According to PetroHawk CEO in 3 years the remaining property will be leasing "if golden" for between $40,000 and $50,000 per acre.If he knows what he is talking about.He may be in the know considerably more than these guys running around snatching up land for a song and dance.Sometimes just for a pesky humming noise!

If someone is going to be waiting 3 years for a well to be drilled on my section it will be me,not the people who tried to lease my property.

In some of the downloads for things to look for and questions to ask when dealing with a landman,the number 2) question you always ask is "do you have a drillsight permit/location".If not, then you are not talking to the right group in the first place.

If they are not wanting my acreage to drill on, they dont need it!Unless you feel that you do not have a chance of them ever drilling or that this is a big hoax and you are just cashing in on it before it dissappears,why not wait to sign.I would be very happy for someone to take the time to explain it to this ole boy simple enough for me to understand it.If you signed before you had a chance to find out about this stuff, then that is understandable!To have all of this information and still sign for pennies on the dollar makes no sense whatsoever.

Back to helpful hints.If question number 1) had been asked (what drilling company do you work for)and you were told they didn't work for a drilling company,then I do not feel that the 2) question should have even had to be asked.

If what we are seeing around here is top dollar then demand a most favored nation clause in your contract for 2 years and see how hard they laugh at you!These guys make a living by shortchanging people.Period.Its a dirty job but someone must do it for this whole play to work out!I hope they don't feel good about mowing over someone but that is how it has to happen.They may try to justify it in some shape or fashion but it still boils down to the same thing!You have to get mowed down so there is enough money left in the coffers to pay the SWAPO2's and the Mount Olive B.C. Group in Fort Worth for $27,000 per acre & 26.5% royalty.

You can expect them to be up front with you if you like.Could I be taking a big chance? Not as big a chance as you guys that are signing too early and too cheap!Could I miss out in the end? Sure I could.But you tell me when the next chance will be for me to make a difference for me and mine.If I sign now ,I could benefit from the income. With 15 acres of my own not counting family land,I could pay off some bills. But it wouldn't make that much of a difference in the long run.Before long I would be buying something else,trying to fill my truck all the way up with gas.You know ,normal every day living.Next thing you know ,that little bit of cushion has evaporated.I am back to square one.What use is that.Might as well not get caught up in the first place.It is a vicious cycle that we may not be able to break.I think I would just as soon strike out, then to not take a swing at the fences.May not be the smartest thing to do but I guess I am going to have to hold out, if for no other reason then to prove my point.You guys keep your fingers crossed and I will do the same for you.Sorry for the long post but my wife said she is sick of hearing this from me,so you guys get to catch the flak.That really isn't fair to you guys but apparently neither is life! HA! HA! just kidding!


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