It is my understanding that with horizontal drilling that it takes at least 6 wells on a 640 acre pool to draw out 90% of the gas. If this happens on your land- are the royalties you receive from your land multiplied by the number of wells on the pool? Does this mean that the O/G companies will put one well at a time on your land or put all 6 at one time? Also what is the producing life of a well in number of years. We are trying to understand all we can about this process and need help!!!!!! Thanks in advance for any help.

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Hello Pilgrim, Those are some mighty fine questions that you have asked. I believe I have heard some chatter about 8 wells per section when it is all said and done.If they can't extract enough gas then I am quite sure that number will increase if current law allows ! I do not know the exact % but I believe your 90% is rather high on draw out. As to the life of these shale wells I do not feel there is enough evidence to truely know for sure but I have heard 40-50 years.That sure sounds like a long time.
The number of wells at a time ,I think will be dictated by number of rigs and sections that need to be drilled to be "held by production". I do not feel that they can afford to let these newer , more expensive leases run out and have to resign them again. Just my thoughts on it .

We would certainly appreciate someone with a better understanding of these topics to chime in.Thank you in advance for doing so ! Thank you Pilgrim for the questions !
I'm honestly not sure about the 90% draw out, so let's just forget that questions for now. I have heard 8 wells per section, but I have seen more, and of course less.

Royalties are for any well drilled in your unit, for the life of those wells. You are paid on ALL gas extracted from your unit.

They tend to drill, move the rig to another pad site(unit), then come back, so it's not constant drilling in one location. As snake brought up, there is a finite amount of rigs and lot of drill sites, so they will probably get one in as many sections as possible first. Just my thoughts, not the definitive word.

There is no way to tell how long the well will last, I think snakes estimates are on the high end. 20 years would be very nice.

Feel free to ask any questions, this is what I do.

Randy and Snake- Thanks for the response. I thought, too that one well per section is all these companies can manage initially. I was just trying to project and confirm some of the information I had been given.
Randy and Snake- Thanks for the response. I too, think that one well per section is all these companies will be able to manage initially. I was just trying to project into the future and confirm some of the information I had been given.
Another question- Can an O/G company drill a well in your section cap the well, pay you token royalties and thereby keep it tied up as long as they wish?
Depends on the lease you negotiate, it is called a shutin....
In my lease, Chesapeake initially asked for a 5 year shut-in period and they have now agreed to shorten it to 2 years. I have yet to sign, I would prefer an even shorter period.
Recognize it takes time to get infastructure...they aren't holding it for gas prices, they want their money out of the ground as much as you do. Go for a fair and equitable deal :)

That is why I am asking these questions- I am trying to figure out what a fair and equitable deal is.
Five years is a long time for a senior citizen to wait for a royalty check!
Pilgrim, I will focus on the gas recovery question. The average gas in place for a section (640 acres) is about 150 - 170 billion cubic feet (Bcf). Recoverable gas is about 50 Bcf per section with 8 wells or about 6.5 Bcf per well. As others have stated the operator will probably drill only one well per section initially to hold the acreage in the unit. Later in the development phase I expect the operator to drill many if not all of the remaining 7 wells before leaving the section as this is the most efficient. In the Barnett Shale and similar fields the operator has drilled multiple wells from the same pad.
Thanks for the info.
How long did it take to come back and actually 7 other wells completed in a section, from the time the first well was drilled?
1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years?
Are they still backfilling/filling in?



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