We were told that 12,000 is the going rate....is this true?

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If you need someone to represent you contact Energy Consulting Services in Shreveport 318-798-5868 They helped us and we were happy with the results

Hope this helps
Yes, i would like that info too--thanks
Which section are you in? I am 29, 15N - 14W - any word on my section? Chesapeake has offered 12,500. This seems really low to me.
I am in Section 13, in your township and range Chesapeake has offered me and my neighbors $20,000. I told XTO and they are going to meet with me this week about their offer. Petrohawk said they would beat the offer but I have not received their figure yet. You are closer to the producing wells than I am so keep that in mind as to the value of your lease. I hope that get a great lease!
Thanks! This is all so new to me - I'm just getting my feet wet. . .but it seems we are not in a hurry. With just over an acre, we are taking it slow right now. Any suggestions on contacts for our township & range?
I'm sorry that I don't know much about offers in your area. Other than a $500.00 offer a few months ago, I had not been approached by any of the larger companies either. I decided to email the companies at their own websites and I received calls from 2 companies the very next morning.
As for a top lease, Chesapeake already told me that they are interested in top leasing. Over in South Caddo parish where Chesapeake is drilling now, they went in last year and signed a lot of landowners with a top lease to hold the sections until they were ready to begin drilling a few months ago.
How do you get offers. We have heard from no one. Thanks.
We attended a meeting this evening in Mansfield. The management group was offering leases for landowners in DeSoto Parish. There were people there from several different areas in the city. Their offer was $24,000/acre bonus and 25% royalty. They want 4% commission. Deadline is Monday. There is a man over on HWY 509 close to the school that was offered $20,000 an acre last week. The Police Jury received $27,000 an acre last week for the land around the airport. I think they got 27% royalties.
I'm a bit confused here. Who put this meeting on? And was the management company actually offering leases at the $24,000 rate? Are they brokering deals between the oil companies and mineral owners at that rate, with a 4% commission to be paid? What areas of DeSoto are covered by their offers? Please provide more detail if you can, or let us know where we can find out more.
We did not sign papers because we have many questions that have not been answered. I have the papers at home and the offer is indeed $24,000 per acre with 25% royalties. They are asking for a 4% commission. There were many people that did sign, some who are reputable citizens. It just did not set well with me, though. We were not called or notified by mail, nor did anyone come to our house to tell us of this meeting. We heard about it the night before from a neighbor who was told by someone at work. We live in a neighborhood and we know that they will have to have a certain percentage of commitments before they can proceed. They did not even contact everyone in the neighborhood. Some of our neighbors are out of town for vacation and won't be back until after the deadline. We also don't know if the royalties are before or after production. I emailed them with some of my questions and they emailed me back and said that they are going to have another round of meetings in Mansfield soon so, "Don't worry." The management company is Fortress Management from Shreveport. The company's name at the top of the actual page containing the offer is Okki Industries from Oklahoma. They said the offer was on behalf of Chesapeake. Ron Jackson (I think he works at Community Bank.) was there and was looking up info. for people. He may be a good contact if you have questions regarding the group. They also have a website - fortressmanagementllc.com. There were people there from The Forest, Willow Glen, Naborton, HWY 175S, Eastside area, Binning Road, HWY171S, and HWY 84. My husband said that they said the offer was to residents of DeSoto Parish and did not specify a particular spot in the parish. I will post if/when I hear of another meeting.
Please do not sign with someone like that. They cannot garuntee the price and 4% is too high. Besides, are they going to negotiate land protections? Make sure you get more money if they want any surface rights? Make sure they will pay if they damage your property or home? Make sure they are not allowed to put a rig within 500 ft of your home? There is so much more to it than the money. That said, if you are willing to collectively bargain and stick together and wait for a good deal you can get it and pay much less for representation.


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