How much does the ArklaTex stand to lose in taxes if Obama wins?

My guess is if income tax rates are increased to the amount stated under his plan, that billions more in taxes on royalties and lease bonuses in the ArkLaTex will be sent to the government. Even a 10 acre landowner who gets a nice leasing bonus is gonna get nailed for being one of the "evil" rich people making more than 250k per year in household income.

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Have you heard the term "unitary president/executive"? That's the theory the neocons have based GWB's presidency on. I.E. the president can do what he wants, when he wants, any way he wants.

When it is over, congress will have to bear much of the fault for the past 8 years. It completely abdicated it's role as a check on the executive branch. They just rolled over and played dead. Including the Dems.
Folks, if you want an honest appraisal of how bad the economy is, buy a copy of the July 28 Business Week and read the cover article: "How Wall Street Ate the Economy .... and What happens now." "Put your tables in the upright locked position and fasten your seat belts. There will be some turbulence."

Keep in mind that BW is a middle of the road conservative publication, not given to viewing with alarm. I have read in several publications -- BW and Baron's for example, that we are probably in for the worst 18 month to two year recession since the Depression of the 1930's.
IndyMac, taken over by the FDIC on July 11 is the second largest bank failure in the financial history of our country. Currently,the FDIC admits to having 90 banks on their watch list --"nearly twice as many as two years ago." The treasury has it's own list of 100 banks that are in danger.

The articles have a good explanation as to how we got here. At least for the simple lay person.

May I make one further suggestion -- before we put our bonus in the shoe box under the bed or buy gold and bury it in a mason jar in the back yard, you (I know I will) might want to consult a fee based financial advisor. One who does not want to sell you anything - Insurance, stock funds, annuities or anything else. Who has nothing but advise.

Disclaimer: I am not a CPA, or lawyer, or financial consultant and I am not married to one. Or cohabit or socialize with any of the aformentioned. I am seen in public on occasion with known Republicans.

No investment in alternative energy during the Bush administration?
The most recent budgets account for more than 25 billion dollars in research for alternative fuels.

Clinton and company didn't even come close to a billion in research for alternative fuels.
All of this during Al "An Inconvenient Truth" Gore's reign as veep. If Al couldn't talk Bill into signing the budget for this then why aren't you up in arms about it?

Under Bush we have had more tax breaks for more Americans than Clinton because Bill passed the largest tax increase in American history.... before Republicans took both houses in 1992.

While we are at it, oil/gas prices have gone up tremendously since Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid took over the 2 houses of Congress in 2006. They campaigned against high oil/gas prices and have done nothing to stop it.

Oil has dropped by 23 dollars in the 2 weeks since Bush lifted the executive moratorium on offshore drilling. Doing this is also forcing Congress to either extend or eliminate the congressional ban. They want to appear on the side of average americans than they better lift the ban and let the drilling begin.
Never mind that it is estimated that the US has enough oil offshore, in shale in Colorado, in newly discovered fields in the Dakotas, Wyoming area and lets not forget Alaska.

Sorry for the rant, but i didn't start it.
yeah & we've got record unemployment under "W"...

By record unemployment you mean, that the national unemployment is exceptionally low... i believe that it currently is at 5.5%.

Remember when Carter was president and we had a rate over 7% and interest rates of 21%?

People shouldn't complain today when you get home loans for less than 10%.
Luckily I already have a home loan & Carter is not president any longer, it may be 5.5 in Ft.Worth & Shreveport ---you must be employed...& your head stuck in the sand or mud....

actually I do not blame W for everything..
I agree Gingles. Now is not the time in America's history to elect a 70 year old that struggles with questions on subjects such as economics & geography lol.
Gingles, who'll be the V.P.? If he picks Hillary, it'll be a blow-out.
Why would Americans vote for a junior senator who hasn't even served a full term in the Senate, when they could vote for someone who has been in the Senate more than 20 years. Someone who knows how the senate works, unlike Obama who doesn't know that the US has 50 states.. not 57 like he said on a campaign stop recently.

If people would google this guy's personal past and political record (however thin it may be) they would see a disturbing pattern of questionable associations with radicals who bombed the pentagon, a ranting racist pastor... et. al.
He hasn't done anything in the Senate except run for president.

Here are a few more things to consider about Obama.

Barak Obama - 50 Lies and Counting: Posted on Political forum.Com - Elections and Campaigns . Share with friends

1.) 'Selma Got Me Born' - LIAR, your parents felt safe enough to have you in 1961 - Selma had no effect on your birth, as Selma didn't occur until 1965.

2.) 'Father Was A Goat Herder' - LIAR, he was a privileged, well educated youth, who went on to work with the socialistic Kenyan Government.

3.) 'Father Was A Proud Freedom Fighter' - LIAR, he was part of one of the most corrupt and violent governments Kenya has ever had.

4.) 'My Family Has Strong Ties To African Freedom' - LIAR, your cousin Raila Odinga has created mass violence in attempting to overturn a legitimate election in 2007, in Kenya . It is the first widespread violence in decades.

5.) 'My Grandmother Has Always Been A Christian' - LIAR, she does her daily Salat prayers at 5am according to her own interviews. Not to mention, Christianity wouldn't allow her to have been one of 14 wives to 1 man.

6.) 'My Name is African Swahili' - LIAR, your name is Arabic and (from which Barack came) means 'blessed' in that language. Hussein is also Arabic and so is Obama.

7.) 'I Never Practiced Islam' - LIAR, you practiced it daily at school, where you were registered as a Muslim and kept that faith for 31 years,until your wife made you change, so you could run for office.

8.) 'My School In Indonesia was Christian' - LIAR, you were registered as Muslim there and got in trouble in Koranic Studies for making silly faces. (check your own book).

9.) 'I Was Fluent In Indonesian' - LIAR, not one teacher says you could speak the language.

10.) 'Because I Lived In Indonesia, I Have More Foreign Experience' - LIAR, you were there from the ages of 6 to 10, and couldn't even speak the language. What did you learn, how to study the Koran and watch cartoons?

11.) 'I Am Stronger On Foreign Affairs' - LIAR, except for Africa (surprise) and the Middle East (bigger surprise), you have never been anywhere else on the planet and thus have NO experience with our closest allies.

12.) 'I Blame My Early Drug Use On Ethnic Confusion' - LIAR, you were quite content in high school to be Barry Obama, no mention of Kenya and no mention of struggle to identify - your classmates said you were just merely chose to do drugs.

13.) 'An Ebony Article Moved Me To Run For Office' - LIAR, Ebony has yet to find the article you mention in your book. It doesn't, and never did, exist.

14.) 'A Life Magazine Article Changed My Outlook On Life' - LIAR, Life has yet to find the article you mention in your book. It doesn't, and never did, exist.

1 5.) 'I Won't Run On A National Ticket' in '08' - LIAR, here you are, despite saying, live on TV, that you would not have enough experience by then, and you are all about having experience first.

16.) 'Voting PRESENT rather than Yes or No is Common In Illinois' - LIAR, That is common for YOU, but not many others have 130 'Present' votes which means you wouldn't commit yourself because you didn't want the voters to know the real you and where you stood on the issues!

17.) 'Oops, I Misvoted' - LIAR, only when caught by church groups and democrats, did you beg to change your so-called A 'MISVOTE'.

18.) 'I Was A Professor Of Law' - LIAR, you were only a senior lecturer ON LEAVE.

19.) 'I Was A Constitutional Lawyer' - LIAR, you were only a senior lecturer ON LEAVE.

20.) 'Without Me, There Would Be No Ethics Bill' - LIAR, you didn't write it, introduce it, change it, or create it.

21.) 'The Ethics Bill Was Hard To Pass' - LIAR, it took just 14 days from start to finish.

22.) 'I Wrote A Tough Nuclear Bill' - LIAR, your bill was rejected by your own party for its pandering and lack of all regulation - mainly because of the money you took from your Nuclear Donor, Exelon, from which David Axe lrod came.

23.) 'I Have Released My State Records' - LIAR, as of March, 2008, state bills you sponsored or voted for have yet to be released, exposing all the special interests pork hidden within.

24.) 'I Took On The Asbestos Altgeld Gardens Mess' - LIAR, you were part of a large group of people who remedied Altgeld Gardens . You failed to mention anyone else but yourself, in your books.

25.) 'My Economics Bill Will Help America' - LIAR, your 111 economic policies were just combined into a proposal which lost 99-0, and even YOU voted against your own bill.

26.) 'I Have Been A Bold Leader In Illinois' - LIAR, even your own supporters claim to have never seen any BOLD action on your part.

27.) 'I Passed 26 Of My Own Bills In One Year' - LIAR, they were not YOUR bills, but rather handed to you, after their creation by a fellow Senator, to assist you in a future bid for higher office.

28.) 'No One Contacted Canada About NAFTA' - LIAR, the Canadian Government issued the names and a memo of the conversation your campaign had with them.

29.) 'I Am Tough On Terrorism' - LIAR, you missed the Iran Resolution vote on terrorism and your good friend Ali Abunimah supports the destruction of Israel and another friend el Hadi(sp?) was stopped by the Federal Government from collecting and sending donations to the terrorist group he is raising money for you and lists your wife Michelle as a supporter of his and she lists him as one of her friends. Also you and your wife are known co-horts of the man and wife 'Weather-Underground' hippie pair who admitted killing people and bombing several federal buildings back in the late sixties or early seventies. The man has written a book saying he and his wife only wish they had done more killings and bombings!

30.) 'I Am Not Acting As President Yet' - LIAR, after the NAFTA Memo, a dead terrorist in the FARC, in Colombia, was found with a letter stating how you and he were working together on getting FARC recognized officially.

31.) 'I Didn't Run Ads In Florida' - LIAR, you allowed national ads to run 8-12 times per day for two weeks - and you still lost.

32.) 'I Won Michigan' - LIAR, no, you did not.

33.) 'I won Nevada ' - LIAR, no, you did not.

34.) 'I Want All Votes To Count' - LIAR, you said let the delegates decide.

35.) 'I Want Americans To Decide' - LIAR, you prefer caucuses that limit the vote, confuse the voters, force a public vote, and only Operate during small windows of time.

36.) 'I passed 900 Bills in the State Senate' - LIAR, you only passed 26, most of which you didn't write yourself.

37.) 'My Campaign Was Extorted By A Friend' - LIAR, that friend is threatening to sue if you do not stop saying this. Obama has stopped saying this.

38.) 'I Believe In Fairness, Not Tactics' - LIAR, you used tactics to eliminate Alice Palmer from running against you.

39.) 'I Don't Take PAC Money' - LIAR, you have taken loads of it.

40.) 'I don't Have Lobbyists' - LIAR, you have over 47 lobbyists, and counting.

41.) 'My Campaign Had Nothing To Do With The 1984 Ad' - LIAR, your own campaign worker made the ad on his Apple in one afternoon.

42.) 'My Campaign Never Took Over MySpace' - LIAR, Tom, who started MySpace issued a warning about this advertising to MySpace clients.

43.) 'I Inspire People With My Words' - LIAR, you inspire people with other people's words.

44.) 'I Have Passed Bills In The U.S. Senate' - LIAR, you have passed a Bill in the U.S. Senate - for Africa, which shows YOUR priorities.

45.) 'I Have Always Been Against Iraq' - LIAR, you weren't in office to vote against it AND you have voted to fund it every single time, unlike Kucinich, who seems to be gutting you, Obama.

46.) 'I Have Always Supported Universal Health Care' - LIAR, your plan leaves all of us working taxpayers to pay for the 15,000,000 who don't have to buy it.

47.) 'I Only Found Out About My Investment Conflicts Via Mail' - LIAR, both companies you site as having sent you letters about this conflict have no record of any such letter ever being created or sent.

48.) 'I Am As Patriotic As Anyone' - LIAR, you won't wear a flag pin and you don't put your hand over your heart during the Anthem... because you have said 'you didn't want to offend muslims and others who don't like America '!

49.) 'My Wife Didn't Mean What She Said About Pride In Country' - LIAR, your wife's words follow lock-step in the vein of Wright and Farrahkan, in relation to their contempt and hatred of America .

50.) 'Wal-Mart Is A Company I Would't Support' - LIAR, your wife has received nearly a quarter of a million dollars through Treehouse, which is connected to Wal-Mart.

Interesting, no?

Obama is taking victory laps in Europe lol. Its over, we'll have an African American President to lead us through the minefields left by Goober & Friends. I understand your fear of change, but its a done deal.
Europe doesn't elect our president, we do!

If more people knew the facts about him, the fewer votes he would get.

You call it a victory lap, i call it the overwhelming media's bias for Obama and their grandstanding is blatantly obvious now more than when Clinton ran for office.

I don't fear change, what i do fear is people who are blinded by a good speaker who tells them what they want to hear.

Remember, Hitler gave great speeches and rallied millions of people too.
Did we forget that little nugget of trivia?

I would rather have a leader with the will to do something when America is attacked by people who just want to kill us. America has only been hit with one terror attack on our soil since Bush became president. Clinton and co. were perfectly complacent when Oklahoma City happened and did nothing when the first World Trade Center attack occured.

Doing the right thing, popular thing and easy thing are seldom all the same thing.

If you think the economy is weak now, wait till Obama gets in power and raises your taxes (he has already proposed more than 800 billion in tax increases and more than 1 trillion in new spending.

That is all for now, got to go out and add to my carbon footprint by mowing my yard.

I understand your concern (Im a refuge' from the GOP) but it won't change the outcome.
At one time in our history people were ashamed to have indian ancesters. Now people are proud to be one eighth siox (me) or what have you. It'll be the same by the end of this century with African American ancestery with families. We're evolving to a new future of acceptance. Change is a scary thing, yes.
I didn't mean to offend you so.
But by your reaction you seem to automatically want to throw me in with the right-wing nutjob pile.
That would be a mistake.
I don't do what Limbaugh or FoxNews tells me because i know how to think for myself. Can the same be said for you? Do you believe everything you read? Obviously not or you wouldn't have jumped down my throat so quickly.
Putting that email list in my reply was bait, and you took it like a big mouthed bass.

Fishing analogy aside i look at this list as in interesting odditty. Many of the things are open to interpretation but some things can't be denied.

Did i ever say anything about him being a muslim as being a bad thing? No.
What is more telling is the relations this guy has had over the years. Bob Ayers and Jeremiah Wright leap to mind if only because he sought out the endorsement of one guy (Ayers) when he ran for state congress and his previous minister, mentor and spiritual leader (Wright). He only dumped him because he couldn't directly answer if he knew about his pastor's beliefs after 20 years in the pews and having the guy marry him and baptise his children.

What really disturbs me is the sheer number of young voters who think this guy is the best thing since sliced bread. If you ask them why they would vote for him it's because he is for change. How so, what would he change and how would he go about accomplishing it? They can't answer because even Obama hasn't a clue. He doesn't know how Washington works and is so beholden to the extremists in his own party that he must do what they tell him. He is a puppet, nothing more.
The only good thing about the youth vote is that they are notoriously unrelibale when it comes to showing up on election day.

Don't make this a racial issue either: race, sexual orientation, nor religious beliefs factor into my decision to vote for someone. I compare their platform to my own and the one whose closely matches mine gets my vote.

I, like you, work for a living and i don't have the time to research the list point by point to check for errors but your reaction to it is not surprising. When anyone goes against the media's darling they are automatically labelled "racist right wing nutjob". Still, when someone makes an age remark about McCain it gets plenty of play on the air and in the papers.

The neutrality of journalism is dead, gone forever. They have to shed their unbiasedness to get anywhere because if you are openly conservative you will be fired.

Sorry for the rant but it is time to sleep.
Goodnight all,




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