Is there any activity in near Cotton Valley Area north of Minden?

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I`m in Sarepta and hope it`s moving north but don`t think there is anything ,YET!!
Been researching the Cotton Valley Field and have discovered that there have been 49 well permits issued since January 2006 with 38 drilled/producing and 11 permitted for drilling (no production report on the 11 issued to DNR yet). It looks hot (wells are at a depth of 11k to 13k, so this has to be the Haynesville formation). It seems that the oil/gas companies have divided the Haynesville shale in regions. XTO (35 wells total----26 producing/9 permitted) has the majority of the Cotton Valley field (CV field not to be confused with the Cotton Valley formation which is above the Haynesville formation). Note: Conco-Phillips (9 wells producing), Questar (2 wells producing) and Will-Drill Productions (1 well producing/1 under permit-applied for 4 new permits in May) are smaller players. Production of wells bodes well for this area. I have plotted the wells according to longitude and latitude on a map and it looks like a pin cushion. (This information was time consuming to obtain-----someone may be trying to hide the ball).

Briefly looked at well permits filed in 2005 in CV field (will look in more detail but that might add another half dozen or so wells to this equation).

Chesapeake, Goodrich, Encana, Petrohawk are in Boosier and Desoto areas (note: have not researched Boosier and Desoto areas as indepth as the CV field).

It looks like basic triangulation (surveying technique) to determine the boundaries of the Haynesville shale. (Desoto in the Southwest, Boosier in the Northwest, and Cotton Valley in the Northeast)

Boosier (NW)--------Cotton Valley (NE)
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Desoto Area (SW)

Are they going to connect the dots in between?

Conoco Phillips is in northern part of the CV field which would be several miles south of Sarepta. (Does the Haynesville shale go to the Arkansas line?)
Where did you find the information? SONRIS?
A close relative of mine is a driller for one of the O&G companies (don't want him identified for obvious reasons) and he said that this co. on many occasions drilled a good well, capable of production but reported it as a dry hole. He claims that there is a lot of flat out lying about what is going on (wells are great)
Sounds like H___ in mid and early 50"s in NSRR
I have heard that one of the companies is actually paying a fine for not releasing numbers.How long can they hold numbers?Paying a fine and withholding production numbers at this point is simply a ploy to try to keep dollar amounts down and competition at a minimum.I believe personally that it is too late for this approach to really work due to the info that is already out there.If there were any way to downplay these wells they would,at this point.If they could point to lower production numbers,they could use that to try to devalue your property.

They will still catch some off guard.And many will simply not be able to pass on the higher dollar values that will be offered.I think in a couple of years if anyone is still available,the bonus amounts may even pass what HK CEO eluded to.Listening to their quarterly teleconference meetings gives one the understanding of how some of these guy's operate.Mr. Wilson stated that @ 5 bcf per well they were shooting under to be conservative.They always leave plenty of room for themselves to look even better at the end of the day!
Har, well production information falls into two categories - initial testing and then actual volumes after a well is placed into permanent production. Regarding the former, test rates and release of information can be effected by factors such as test equipment capacity or desire to keep information from competitors. Once attached to the pipeline and placed on production the well would likely be produced at maximum rates attainable without damaging the completion or formation since this generates the quickest payout. Sometimes downstream gas pipeline capacity delays the build-up in area production as was the case with the Barnett Shale.
Thanks Har..send me an email with your conact info..would be interested in talking more about this. I thought too that the map on times' website was lacking
With all your knowledge, can you educate me on the difference between the Cotton Valley Field, CV Formation and CV Sand?
Is it possible to find out the production rates i.e.if these wells are as profitable as the ones Chesapeke has been reporting?
Thanks much
Yes, the Haynesville shale is present. There are many producing HAYNESVILLE SAND wells on both sides of stateline in Springhill, Shongaloo and Haynesville areas. The Haynesville formation is predominately shale with some sand beds. Will the shale produce in the areas mentioned above.? I don't know, but I think it will. I am a geologist with interest in wells in North Shongaloo Red Rock field. May be long wait to find out. I am anxious as I am 74 yrs. old.
Hang in there, ACS. We're gonna make it! Keeping that glass half full!
Murr nhs



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