East of Minden there is one of the Largest salt up lifts in The NW La Salt Dome Basin. Could this Salt Dome Effect the HS? Did the up lift in Salt Compress the Shale into Sands? The perimeters of this Dome are already Leased and under Production, but not much leasing activity has gone on around this dome. Some has taken place to the south of it and to the east and west of it. Any one farmiliar with the effects of salt dome's on shale plays? This question seems to be non existing!!! HARD TO GET A ANSWER FOR IT!!!!!!!

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Thank you for your attempts to get an answer concerning the Salt Domes. For some reason people do not want to comment on this. I wonder why? Again, thank you for your persistence.
I do not know much but I thought you

1. could recover a lot of oil and gas from salt domes.

2. After you recover everything, then you could use the domes as a gas storage container.
One issue could be the potential for dome collapse. I know of one recent case in Texas of a salt dome collapse that left a 600ft hole in the ground. I doubt that happens often but..I will try to find the article again.
This salt dome is over 3000 Feet deep....i dont think it is going to cave in....Awsome YOU TUBE FLICK though...thanks for sharing that.
Um, that is what the folks in Daisetta Texas thought before their sink hole occured..

If it caves in i will let you guys know about it! LOL!!!
AND we get Another new lake. But one our tax dollars DIDN"T pay for. Looking at some of the HUGE salt mines in south La, I wouldn't lose a lot of sleep over the possibility of collapse.
Your right Po Boy....are government is looking at some of those large ones down south to house another Reserve...that would be the perfect plan with this new discovery of the HS....just pipe some rite down the road to a salt dome in South LA.
What sections in Webster do you think the salt
dome is located under?

There has been a lot of wells drilled from about the 1930's to now in
the Minden Field.

The video clip was very interesting, and gives us something to
think about.
There is no thinking to it...its there....T19 R8W sect 19 22
The Minden salt dome is centered in sec. 20, T 19 N, R 8 W and was discovered in 1933 by Gulf Refining Co. with the Bridgeman No. 1. Salt was contacted at approximately 2000 feet down. Webster parish rd. 131 (Old Arcadia Rd. runs east to west across the top of the dome. The only formations shown on the top of the dome by the Bridgeman was 300 plus feet of sparta, 300 plus feet of cane river and 500 +/- of wilcox before cap rock. The cap rock was over 700 feet thick. This well was located in the NW1/4 of sec. 20, T 19 N, R 8 W.
jack would apprecate you thoughs.......how do you think this would affect sec 16-19-8.....would it be on the outer edge of the salt dome..... is this the louann salt.....would shale be possible under the salt???? THANKS


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