We've all heard, the landman said "*%#$^" and now I find out that it is not true or it is misleading, or it is a common scare tactic.
So lets discuss what constitutes outright fraud, what is a common scare tactic and what is a downright lie. And what the implications are for each.
A friend of mine was told they wouldn't drill a well for at least 3 years. Now they are ready to drill after 1 year. Problem is he only owns 1/2 of his minerals and won't own the other half for another year. He definitely would not have leased.
Was the landman misleading, lying or did he commit fraud.
Lot's of us have similar stories. Let's share them with each other, so no one else will fall for the same line.

Tags: Fraud, Lies, misleading, statements

Views: 167

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so Randy how about an ASK THE LANDMAN Discussion? There or several knowledge O&G pros in this forum,but many,many more of us seeking real,credible info.
Isn't that Shale TV.

No offence Randy.
There is a Oil & Gas group that you can ask questions in.... :)
It's for In-House Landmen, it gives them a license or something. If you want to work in a bank then you need to be a CPL. I want to be talking to landowners not some fellow behind a desk. Not to say a desk is bad because I talk to them a lot but they are not O&G, for the most part.
Thanks for your response. You would know, How many of these rovers were actually working for say, CHK, or Petrohawke? Do they have their own people or bulk hire bodies ?
Done it. Love your answers and am resigning my Mensa membership immediately.
please answer forum question on"Rubber band Clause.
Guess I am a just a shoe salesman.
I wasn't trying to play down CPLs, in fact I have stated in other posts that I want my son to take the test when he gets the years in to qualify. I have the qualifications to become a CPL but thats not the road I want to take. I have known CPLs that use the designation as some sort of badge of knowledge to talk down to others in the field. Most of the folks that I deal with are wonderful people that don't give two hoots if I am a CPL or not a CPL.
You are right Jay.
You are confused youg man. You can join the AAPL as a RL (Registered Landman). You do not need a 4 year degree for this designation, you just need 4 years of full time active service as a landman.

In order to be an RLP or CPL, you will need a 4 year degree. So, I advise you to join the AAPL as an RL and be bound by its code of ethics.
I don't belong to a union. I did when I worked for the RR. I refused to be a union member when I was a Teacher, because I couldn't afford the 20 bucks it would cost me each month. Anyone can take advantage of you, be it a CPL or a Newbee.
You Mr Scarbrock, have establish your charactor with us. If you sell shoes, I.ll buy from you, or cars,. I am from the midwest where a man is worth the what his word is worth. You have proven your worth.


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