A lot of you folks that are getting the big bucks are looking for ways to reduce the tremendous tax burden confronting you. Many may have kids or grandkids that may be wanting to go to law school and you may not feel comfortable sending them off to Baton Rouge or New Orleans for their schooling. Louisiana College, located in Pineville, is a very highly rated Christian school. It is a school that the professors know all the students by name and not number. They don't have classes with 300 students, so everyone knows everyone. Their pre med students have like a 98% chance of being accepted into medical school. School districts across the country fight to get the students from the education department. The graduates in the nursing department are close to 100% in passing the nursing exam. The professors will not let you fail. I know because I am a graduate of LC. I was not a typical LC student, I have always been a bad boy. I went to NSU back in 1968 for the fall term, I decided that fast cars and women were what I wanted and left before the end of classes. I got a "B" in orientation because that class ended at mid term, I got a "D" in badmitten because I think they didn't want to fail someone in that class, everything else was an "F". Twenty years passed and I was hurt working on the railroad, the doctors told me that if I wanted to be in a wheelchair, to keep jumping on the boxcars. I asked the doctors what else I could do and they told me to go back to school. I did and enrolled at NSU on the England Air Force branch in Alexandria. Classes were small, 15 to 20 students, for the night classes. I got use to everyone knowing each other, and most being Airman or older folks. I finally had to go to main campus in Natchitoches because the courses needed were not being offered on the base. I hated the packed classrooms and being a number so I transfered to Louisiana College. We had an unexpected child at this time, so I didn't think I could do the law school thing, my next oldest was 7 years older. I wondered what I could do with all the courses that I had taken in pre-law. I decided to become a social studies teacher. About 2 weeks into my transfer to LC this little red head lady came up to me and said, "You know that you want get a job in the field that you are going into" I asked why,? That I thought they needed teachers, she said "Go ask them" I did and the Rapides Parish fellow that did most of the hiring and firing told me "They saved those jobs for the old coaches". The red head professor had not told me her name but pointed to the location of her office and told me to come see her, if I had a negative response from the school board. When I saw that I wouldn't get a job in what I was going into I went to her office and told her what I had learned, she extended her hand and introduced herself as the head of special education at LC. She told me that I didn't look like the average LC student, I replied that she might be right. She talked about kids that were labled as disipline problems and asked me if I was a bad kid. I said that had always been that way. She said that it takes one to know one. She told me that she could train me in a field that I would be able to go anywhere in the country and get a job. I took her up on her offer and she took this misfit under her wing and personally trained me to be a behavior disorder teacher. I lasted 3 years but I could not afford to bring my kids to the movies on the weekend. I left teaching to become a Landman. Louisiana College gave this old bad boy the tools to go out and make a living in many different fields and I salute them for that. This is the way they work for all students.
Louisiana College is going to have a law school but they need funds from people like you folks. Do you want to send your kids and grandkids off to the big city? Would you like an alternative of a small town with great police protection, and a Christian enviorment. Look into Louisiana College and make your tax free donations to them.