I am from out of state,I use this web site daily. Their are many inteligent persons on this site SKIP PEEL is the most inteligent and up to date on this site. what i need and have been asking for is a simple good map of township sections and reanges. I am particularly looking for section 18 township 18 north range 11. Can some one post a map with this section highlighted. I have seen some maps posted but i do not understand them.
Thank you all in advance . POOR FRED

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Les, thank you ,
Are you saying there will be a well in Sec30 16N 10W in the Lake Bistineau Field? If so, can you tell me where its located?
i think, if not mistaken, it will be in the elm grove field
I incorrectly assumed it was in the Lake Bistineau Field because some of the property in this STR is on the lake. I should know better than to assume. Thanks for the info. Where is the well site?
Smith, by the way the following is the Haynesville Unit for your section.

S30-T16N-R10W, HA RA SU109 Unit, Petrohawk, Elm Grove Field, Bossier Parish

Sorrry!!! I miss labeled the section, it should be the one to the west of the one I labeled!!!
actually I just zoomed in on my google earth, I have a S-T-R overlay that is close, wouldn't trust it for a legal desciption or anything. I have the overlay for most states in the PLS. Some states and areas go all the way down to quarters or even quarter quarters. I can export the images and alter them in another program.

thanks for the link, I always enjoy a little history, didn't know that was where they filmed that scene either, so I guess I learned somthing today.
as an aside, the DNR page has a link to the state website on the spill, you can download overlays for the spill for your google earth.
freddie, I use this map for a quick reference.


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