Does anyone have any insight into the MS Oil and Gas Board docket item yesterday regarding a permit to drill a well with a horizontal component to "test the Austin Chalk formation" in Adams County MS 5N2W sect 17-18? Proposed well on 980@ unit would be to 11,500 ft.. Exceptional location because of "topographical and geologic reasons". Would a well of that depth in that location also penetrate/test the TMS? I realize the North Bayou Jack Field is Austin Chalk not too far west, but also the Crosby TMS well is not too far south. This may be an interesting well for SW MS. Anyone on here have knowledge/thoughts?

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That whole acreage position in Adams and Wilkinson (43k gross) was being marketed as a TMS/Tuscaloosa sands/AC/Wilcox/Selma prospect at the NAPE Expo in Houston a couple weeks ago- EXXI didn't seem like they had further plans for the area......

Thanks for the update, Noah. It will be interesting to see if the prospect gets picked up.

Lower Tuscaloosa production in the area (Beverly Field) is around 10,900. TMS is above it.



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