My family owns land in Clairborne parish.  How can we find out what is happening on the land.  I've checked Sonis lite and can't understand if there drilling, drilled in the past or drilling now.  We haven't signed anything or received any $$.  We own land in Clairborne Parish, section 001, township 22N, Range 6W and section 006, township 22N, range 05W.  How can I determine if there is oil or minerals or timber there?

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It would appear that you do have timber on your land. I would strongly suggest that you have a forester cruise your land and develop plan for managing that resource so that you achieve greater value and income from property. This is a valuable resource despite relatively low prices now. I would suggest that you may want to contact USDA, Natural Resource Conservation Service office in Homer, La. and request their assistance. They should develop a management plan for you at no cost to you.

You could contact timber buyers to evaluate your property. Any of them would look at property and offer to buy timber. If you do this you need to get at least 3 offers. Most timber is sold by the ton nowadays. There are some crooks in this business, so be very careful not to get "skinned".

Good Luck



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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