Is anyone else getting lease offers from Aethon in San Augustine Co.? I just received an offer in the E. Quirk Survey and was curious as to current going rates? 

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Andy, I think you will get more responses by posting your discussion on the San Augustine Group page.  I'll post a link below.  If you're not already a member of the group, join.  And then go down the page to the Start a Discussion option.  When you post in a group, all the members receive a notice email that alerts them to your new discussion.  There are almost 400 members of the San Augustine group. If you post on the Main Page, where we are now, you are taking the chance that the right members will log on and see it before it rotates down the page and off.  Location specific inquiries are always best posted on the proper group page..

Thanks Skip

You're welcome.  Hope you get some responses.  It's always good to hear of new leasing.



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