From the Houston Chronicle.
the full article can be found at:

Here's the first few graphs...

This is the first of several reports looking at the boom in natural gas produced from shale formations.
GRAND CANE, La. — Two miles beneath northwest Louisiana's patchwork quilt of forests, cotton fields and pastures, dozens of drill bits are grinding their way toward what may be the nation's energy future.
The region around Shreveport has known oil and gas exploration for decades, but it's now buzzing anew as companies try to capitalize on one simple fact — locked into cement-like shale formations thousands of feet underground are potentially huge quantities of natural gas.
The gas found in the area's Haynesville shale and in other shale formations throughout the country has changed the nation's energy outlook in just a few short years.


Tags: Louisiana, energy, haynesville, independence, shale

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HA!... i read right past him.... Mad Cow! jhh
Anyone have an idea of what they mean in this article by:

"And the royalty payments have been more like a trickle than the torrent many were promised."

Are people not getting paid royalties? Or have the prices just been so low that the money isn't there?




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