Soros Making More Cash With Congressby Capitol Confidential
As the Administration’s push for alternative fuels grows stronger, Congress is set to consider H.R. 1380, which would create very generous tax credits to manufacturers who retrofit existing work vehicles to run on natural gas rather than on that terrifying global menace known as oil, and very generous subsidies to natural gas vehicle consumers: $7500 per car and a whopping $64,000 for heavy-duty trucks and 18-wheelers. It’s common knowledge in DC that Texas hedge-fund operator and natural gas-magnate T. Boone Pickens is the force behind this bi-partisan, pork-laden legislation, possibly because his natural gas empire would greatly profit from the sudden influx of billions of taxpayer dollars in the form of subsidies listed in the bill.

But hidden behind the scenes is another multi-billionaire, one with a much more sinister motive than mere profit. A man who’s vast fortune of nearly $7 billion is being used to subvert nearly every American institution to conform with his dream of a worldwide socialist utopia.

George Soros.

According to the website GuruFocus, which tracks the investment habits and portfolio trends of some of the world’s richest people, George Soros has made some intrigiung investments into alternative fuel companies of late, specifically those at the forefront of natural gas. This would not be so troubling except that, as GuruFocus points out, Soros has accurately predicted both economic bubbles and quickly growing industries. As a result, Soros’s funds have turned out a 30% return on investments since their inception.

One of the stocks Soros invested in recently is Westport Innovations (WPST), a global supplier of “solutions” that allow vehicles to operate on clean-burning fuels, such as natural gas. In fact, they are the world’s leading engineer of natural gas engines. Westport is currently working with Caterpillar to develop a natural-gas powered engine that would work in a number of utility vehicles, all of which would be eligible for the subsidies Congress is now considering. Soros’s investment funds have pumped about $122 million into WPST, and he’s added to his control as recently as December and March, when he picked up over a million shares, bringing his total to 5.5 million shares.

No other major investor shares his rosy outlook for natural gas engines, and the stock has barely crept up during the time Soros has held it, leading many to suspect Soros knows of a major future development. Could that development be Congress’s NAT GAS act? It seems likely.

Many Republican legislators who once supported the bill have pulled their names and yes votes from the NAT GAS act, and we’d encourage still more. Not only is the bill a dramatic waste of taxpayer dollars for Chevy Volt-style technology, but it is a manipulation of the free market designed to help a billionaire who needs the public to accept his technology. It could cost Americans thousands of jobs as the resulting artificially high price of natural gas destroys the manufacturing industry and crushes consumer confidence. And, there is a high possibility that Congress’s masochistic desire to prop up flagging alternative energy sources could end up funding one of today’s greatest threats to American democracy.

Very little other convincing should be needed to drop the NAT GAS act like a hot engine.


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Wow, I saw this thread and I thought you were talking about an ole gal I used to date.

What a relief!

Good one Buck. I was scared they were gonna post pictures.
Soros just wants to force the price of NG up and make it higher than our present gasoline produced with opec oil.  This way he can continue to rob, socialize, and destroy America.  His idea of an alternate fuel is to get America hooked on natural gas and oil at the same time,  like a bad drug,  with neither fuel sorce being a benefit or savings to the American consumer.  He is an evil man and I swear if you look close enough you will see the horns growing from his skull just above his eye sockets. Ugly, very ugly indeed.   

Never thought I would agree with Soros.

Soros likes one thing as much as socialism and that is $$$$$$.  This happens to be one venture that I hope he is successful in!   If this isn't a crappy reason to pull one's support for the Naturtal Gas Act, then I don't know what a crappy reason looks like.  Let the guy make his next $ Billion  and lets get off OPEC oil and promote natural gas!

Why did this guy become so popular?  I had never heard of him until early 2009 or so.  Has he always been well-known in politics or is he involved and mentioned so now because of perhaps certain contacts, etc.?  Because of his age, I realize he has been around; why has he been mentioned so much the last couple or so years?    I have my own ideas, but am really a little unsure.

Because Obama is a puppet and Soros holds the strings. He does have a record of bringing down economies for his own profit. The reason you hear so much about him lately is he is so good at it. In fact he is so good he can change the market for NG if that is his goal. As far as being popular it is only with his socialist cronies.



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