Everything seems to be VERY tight lipped on this well.  Location is very well secured.  Anyone know whats going on?




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I'm just a mineral owner Robby.  All I can go by is what the paperwork says and Katy was on the G-1s.
I won't have any more comments on this.  I will just say I'm happy for the mineral owners and I am happy for the remaining guys at Leor.



I think SM sank some money into a few shallower horizontals further to the north and west, that to date, haven't produced much of anything.  I seem to recall them being signed over to another company (Tolardo Resources?).  


API 455-30492, API 455-30493.  

Anyway, I don't have a mineral interest in this area, but have some friends who may, so I'll keep following this area.  Productive minerals, a few local jobs, and an increase in the local tax base would be nice.  A bit of work in the area would be a nice bonus.

I am happy for any mineral owner who has an operator interested enough to actually go drill a hole and take a look.  I also know folks who  could benefit from a big find in this region.  My only point was that a lot of money was spent on those EnCana efforts and not much came of it.  

Burk Royalty has four rigs drilling in Houston Co. right now on wildcat wells down to 13000'.  If they don't accomplish anything else, they are stimulating the local economy.  I wish them the best and hope they find something.


I think we are in violient agreement - I'm sure SM spent a lot of money on their wells and nothing came of it either.

Regarding the Houston County activity, based on the things I'm hearing, they've found "something" worth continuing to drill for. my guess is CV/Bossier consolidated.
Any new developments guys?

There is a new group for District 3 counties:




If there is any further development beyond this well, I'll post about in the District 3 group. That said - new filing with RRC yesterday with a few good nuggets. First, we have a completion depth of 17066', based on W1 filing. next, the bottomhole deviated back to the south and west about 429'. Net, its bottm is about 250 feet from the Temple Inland #1. Finally, there seems to be some type of modification to how the mineral interst is allocated. Maybe one of the land folks can shed some light on that.


Thanks for the info Dbob. I am looking at the bottom hole location, which seems to be just 100's of feet from the old Shell well as you point out, so the depths and the section should be the same. I am not sure, but 17,066 looks like massive Cotton Valley (I think). The sands sure are thick but the porosity is a big question. My guess is these sands have low porosity, as they are so fat Shell would have hit a home run it there was decent reservoir, however fracking could potentially turn this around. I am encouraged; as I am sure Leor looked at this issue very hard and has done post frac modeling that shows encouraging results.


If anyone has a porosity log, let me know. If any reader needs a copy of the Shell Induction log, let me know and I will email you one!



Is Leor now owned by Encana? Is Encana drilling the Trinity COunty well? Do you know if you cas see the well from the road? I am thinking they probably have completed the well???? what do you think???



To my knowledge, Encana has not bought up assets from Leor.  You cannot see the well from the road, you have to go up a little side road.  I haven't been out there myself, and haven't had any type of detailed report from folks in the area.  I don't know if it has been completed, but I can tell you that unless they had completion crews lined up ahead of time, it probably hasn't been fraced yet.  


Speculating:  they weren't really sure what they might have until they logged it and probably wouldn't plan the completion until looking at the log.  I figure probably a few more months, unless they have some type of contract. 


Rumor has it that Leor leased an additional 500-1000 acres immediately to the west, at a low bonus ($150-$450/acre) with 20% or better royalty.  


Does the side road have a locked gate (private road)? Can I drive and get close to the well and see what surface equip is there? I see from the maps there is a road next to the well but I am concerned it is private...thanks for the good info guys...I am thinking about driving out there to see what is on the surface and if they have or are preparing to frack...


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