Anyone know of current leasing activity/offers in Cass County?

We own mineral interest in Cass County ( R. Kimbrough Survey) and have been recently contacted by a landman indicating he was working on behalf of Pegasi Energy.  An offer of $175/acre, 3/16 royalty for 2 yr term was made.  I see that Pegasi has had favorable results in Marion County w/ Norbord Well # 1 (just a few miles south of us) and looks like they have commissioned a new pipeline in the area too.  Anyone know of current lease offers in this area?

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The gas side is decent.  The oil side is excellent, particularly for a smaller operator.

Thanks for explaining that dbob!  

Dbob ....this was a 16 stage HZ well. Is 200+ Really an excellent result?

The test was 28 days after completion and they had produced 6000+ bbls of oil prior to test or about 227 bbl/day.  SWN would be absolutely crowing over this in the Brown Dense.

Gotta view it in context.  The frac volume was pretty modest compared to Eagleford or Haynesville wells.  Yeah, I think its pretty good to excellent.  Now if this was their 10th horizontal or we knew the 90 day cummulative production would only be 8000 bbls, not great.  but from what I see, pretty darn good.

Thanks dbob. Maybe the numbers improve if flow is being held back for one reason or another. But, my definition of "excellent" is a flow rate large enough to have the big boys want to come into to neighborhood and partner up with the little guys. I don't think the cost of a 17 stage well that ultimately surrenders 200+ bbls of oil will bring much excitement to the deep pockets we are trying to entice. Just my 2 cents...hope I'm way off.

I heard that the Stroud Well was clogged & maybe they had used the wrong material to frack?  Anyone else heard that?  


Their Nov. PR says 1633 bbls so that leaves 4746 bbls produced in the 19 days in Dec. to the IP report. They averaged ~250 bod for Dec. to that point but they haven't reported for that month yet so there is nothing else to look at.


If the rumors are true there will be a significant decline in Jan. or Feb. production. That may be the only indicator we'll see. Those reports won't be in for some time.

p g s i is leasing in cass co. again in the I fishback and J watson surveys

lots of landman still in the clerks office at3.30 pm on a friday.

You are right, they are.  We weren't so sure, but their landman recently contacted us to sign another lease. We shall see what transpires in the next year or more.

cass co gal what survey was this in?

James B. Patterson Survey

at 1.00 pm there were 33 landmen lined up at the county clerks office waiting to get in



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