I'm hearing from my brother that equipment and materials are moving onto the pad in Sec. 16.

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This well has been completed for sometime and supposedly fracing was done. I wondering when Chesapeake will post anything on Sonris with regard to production information. Anyone got any info here?
Streetglide, I assumed from SONRIS (lack of activity) that this well has been shut in until later. Is there any evidence that it's producing?
Gayle, this well reached Total Depth (TD) on 4-19-10. It has not been fracked according to SONRIS and is not shut in. It's simply Waiting On Completion. There is no production.
Thanks for the info, Skip. Any idea of when it will be completed? From its location, do you think it's likely to be one of the "disappointing" Logansport wells?
Gayle, this well may be completed now as it has been almost two months since the last SONRIS report. There is just no way to know. It's likely to be a typical Logansport Field well. However, I doubt Chesapeake would invest the substantial amount of development capital for the numerous Haynesville wells in this field without the expectation that there will be good Bossier Shale wells in the future. Chesapeake makes mistakes. And sometimes some relatively big ones. But they change course quite dramatically when it becomes obvious. As a long term asset I think the minerals in the Logansport Field will turn out just fine.
Skip--just a clarification, you're saying Bossier, not mid-Bossier here?
In LA. the operators refer to the Bossier as the Bossier unlike TX. I know it's easy to get confused.
Gayle, Skip is correct. Talked to a pumper in our area the other day and he said it was not yet fraced. I will try to let you you know when I see it come online.
Thanks very much for the updates. I live in Texas, so SONRIS and this forum are my only sources of information.
Skip, Harley

Thanks for the information on this well. I was by there a couple of weeks ago when visiting the home place and the well appears to be capped off. All of us in 16 are awaiting just how the well might turn out, but we also remain very hopeful about the Bossier formation. Of course, there's no telling when that might occur. Again, many thanks for your valuable help to those of us who don't know too, much about the issue. To Gayle, hopefully it won't be too, long before we some royalty checks, large or small.
I've quite holding my breath, at least, so the wait is going a little more easily.... But thanks for keeping me posted.
According to SONRIS, there's been activity again in McCoy 001, S16 12N 15W:

08/06/2010 09 16085 PERF 15,667-15,995'
07/30/2010 09 16085 SET 5 1/2 TO 16,085' W/ SX
04/23/2010 09 16085 TD 4-19-10



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