
Does anyone know a good trapper to help control a beaver infestation?


Marc Stepman

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Try the guys that own Duck Dynasty (On A&E Cable TV).  They blew up a dam on a recent show.  It might all be just for TV, but at least it was really funny. 

Michael Beran.  AA Animal control. 318-572-2594


Maybe you'll get lucky and he'll use his hawks in the removal.  I know he has used them for smaller animal removal. 

Hawks as in birds??

Yes Keith real live Hawks.  He hunts with them and sometimes uses them in pest control.  Pretty neat stuff.  Don't have to worry about dead rotting animals that were poisoned.  He has a build in animal removal system.  I'm guessing that beavers would be too big, but who knows.

"Little Beaver"


Michael Beran travels around the country doing animal removal.  I just think the use of the Hawks is the coolest.  He would be much more interesting on a reality show than most of the ones that are portraying Louisiana folks.

Maybe he needs to get Floyd Wilson as a sponsor. Packs of hungry  buzzards may could attack an adult beaver but that tail would flatten a hawk. Pack of hawks may work but I don't think that they are pack animals.


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