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Black Dragon Releases Positive Update and Information on Adjacent High
Production Discoveries
OIL CITY, La., Oct. 21, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Black Dragon Resource
Companies, Inc. ("the Company", "Dragon") (Pink Sheets:BDGR) announces CEO Dr.
Bailey has reported he has received a number of shareholder calls questioning
Dragon's recent volatility. In response, he stated that the movement must be
related to the recent positive press releases on cost reduction efforts and new
projects being pursued to immediately improve the company's revenue stream. One
of the most upside potential benefits could be from the reported 640 acre lease
position in Caddo Parish. On contiguous acreage to the Dragon lease, a Cotton
Valley well that was discovered in 2008 came in at 11 million cf per day, which
represents in today's market of $4 gas around $1,320,000 per month, and has
maintained an average of $340,000 per month.
On other contiguous acreage to Dragon's new leasehold, a Haynesville Shale well
was recently completed and came in doing over 1.6 million cf per day, which is
48 million cf per month, with an additional 600 bbls of oil per month. This well
generates $200,000 per month. Dragon only owns a 4% royalty of Haynesville Shale
in this new lease but it can capture significant such revenue on new wells
drilled, and it owns 84% of all other zones (including the Cotton Valley).
Dragon has contracted Petrolind Drilling Company to drill up to 3 wells on the
new lease. Based on these successful completions in the immediate vicinity,
Dragon is optimistic that these same proven zones will also be contained within
the depths of its new lease.
Black Dragon is an oil and gas exploration and production company currently
focused on the acquisition of mature, producing and existing domestic oil and
gas fields. This focus has eliminated exploration risk, reduced costs of
completion, and provided rapid generation of income in a niche market where
larger independent and major oil companies are not positioned to compete. Black
Dragon intends to recomplete additional shallow producing wells and to expand
its focus to include drilling of new wells, some to deeper levels and to