BP rejected Halliburton cementing plans on Deepwater Horizon

BP apparently rejected advice of a subcontractor, Halliburton Inc., in preparing for a cementing job to close up the well. BP rejected Halliburton's recommendation to use 21 "centralizers" to make sure the casing ran down the center of the well bore. Instead, BP used six centralizers.

In an e-mail on April 16, a BP official involved in the decision explained: "It will take 10 hours to install them. I do not like this." Later that day, another official recognized the risks of proceeding with insufficient centralizers but commented: "who cares, it's done, end of story, will probably be fine."

A spokesman for BP could not immediately reached for comment.


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The truth will come out concerning the MMS, I'll delete it for now.
Do you feel that your posts in and of themselves are inadequate? Why do you use such bold font?

Your vague political ramblings will not change the fact that this is Obama's baby. It was his MMS with HIS MMS chief in charge, who will go down as just another abject failure of an Obumbler appointee forced to resign in shame. You can't blame Bush anymore, it only makes your look ignorant. Rahm Emannuel lived in a free apartment owned by a BP crony.
CK --

I suggest that you take your political observations to one of the political groups where they might be more germane. You are entitled to your opinions, but not your own facts.
BP e-mail trail ...


It has been previously revealed in congressional testimony that Halliburton recommended 21 centralizers be used at this site, but ultimately, BP only used six. In the early morning of April 16, four days before the explosion, BP official Gregory Waltz identifies modeling data provided by Halliburton requiring additional centralizers. In response, Waltz emails colleagues, "We have located 15 Weatherford centralizers with stop collars."

Maybe there's something to this I don't understand? 21 were recommended but only 6 were used, drastic difference. Maybe someone could clarify?

Who determines what the facts are anymore? It’s painfully obvious that most media outlets in the United States lean liberal. When you own the information you can bend it all you want. The media outlets that you choose for your sources Professor are worthless. So what are we left with?

Yeah,yeah. I know, you’re a sweet talker Better Crocker, but I expect that from you. Reading your post are almost like cleaning a fish. You have to cut off ¾ of the crap off to get to the meat.

I haven’t seen a poll yet that even comes close to saying the Obama administration is getting it right, and you haven’t either. Post the facts Professor. Post a poll that says Obama is getting right.

Gilligan understands that your superior thinking doesn’t allow you to believe you’re ever wrong. Listen to my superior thinking for a moment. You Sesport, Martin, and Kluge can pump out more crap than that BP Well could ever.

Have a good day Sir.

Yours truly,

The drop out.
Hey Dorcheated --

Crap is it? You have a right to an opinion. You do not have a right to your own facts.

Please take a moment and use your superior thinking to try to convince us of the truth of your statements. I know that takes more effort than dropping insults, but do give it a try.

As to polls, you might want to ask Truman about their accuracy.....
Thank you, Jay. I'm barely educated in these matters, but I believe I have the capacity to learn some basics.

Appreciate your thoughts on this. Since I view Haliburton as the expert, I can't imagine why someone (don't know who or what level of expertise) would over-ride their recommendation. On the other hand, being in the "business" that I'm in ... yeah, I can imagine "someone knew better." lol

best - 80)
Ole Martin, long time no talk. Crap it is my friend.

Well for starters, I said you, GD, Sesport, and Kluge pump out a lot of crap. I don't have to convince people about the truth when it comes to that statement, because every time you open your mouth it does it for me.

Now about the facts. Why in the hell don't I have a right to my own facts? because the great Martin said so. You can't stop me from having my own facts. I know it drives you liberals crazy when you can't control the message, but you should have learned that a long time ago about me my friend.

The second thing about facts. You wouldn't believe them even if they were true. You're so blinded by that lame agenda you keep toting around with you.

Obama is like your kid, you can't believe he does anything wrong. Frankly, you look silly like the rest of them pretending that he doesn't. But that's your business not mine.

Now disprove anything statements above aren’t factual.

Oil and gas professionals probably know all this like the backs of their hands but others of us are still trying to learn and understand. Here is a new link from The Shreveport Times today, Friday, June 18. It answers a question I'd had regarding what part the seawater played.

Thank you for the link, Rosebud.
Dorcheated --

You nor I can have our own facts. Facts can be verified in the laboratory, in court, Facts exist independent of ideology or opinion.

The apple hits Isaac Newton in the head every time.... no matter what you may think of apples, gravity, or Isaac Newton.

Your rants are growing tiresome. Why don't you move them to the political groups and spare the rest of us? There are many of us who want to lear what is happening with (or caused) the BP oil spill.


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