While observing the 2014 Brown Dense Map,I noticed there's two Fault lines and in between them is a nice size field.Here's my simple and basic question: Is it possible for flow to continue south or does it stay trapped? Thank You in advance, any comments are welcome  

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I don't see fault lines depicted, Eric.  Can you describe where they are on the map?

the two thick Black lines in Northern part of map , if not Fault lines then may be something else ?

The black lines I see are contour lines which show the formation depth.  If these are the ones you are referring to you can look along them until you find the depth notation, 8,000', etc.

 BTW Hello again'  Skip, thank you for the info.. So it seems its the only thing separating the southern flow ? so I my ? is how much of an impact do these depths have on the Brown Dense/gas movement flow into section 6 T21 ?(pardon my laque of knowledge in this area)

The depths being targeted by Southwestern are generally 9,000 to 10,000 feet True Vertical Depth.  Whiting seems to prefer deeper depths but they are just getting started so it's a little early to be sure.  It appears that Southwestern has attempted to drill updip (shallower depth) because the chances of oil are better though the challenges are greater.  Whiting appears to think that the Brown Dense is a wet gas play and chooses to drill where they think more gas and higher formation pressures exist.   Liquids are critical and oil is better if you can get it.  We know nothing about the dry gas window (deeper, further downdip) of the Brown Dense because the economics of dry gas are not such that it is worth exploring at current natural gas prices.

I see', thank you again Skip I will continue keeping an ear out for any current notifications etc. I saw that and couldn't help but wonder .... 

I think it's possible that Eric could be correct that the heavier lines are fault lines. See page four. If so, then his question is a good one.

If those are "the two thick Black lines in Northern part of map" to which Eric refers, you may be correct.  The lines are bolder than the other contour lines and are very similar to the ones in the map in your link.  Since the map fails to depict a lot of other well known faults one could assume that these are "major" faults.  Then again they may depict an area of faulting.  The W-B Exxon-Mobil #2 has been reported as penetrating an area of heavy faulting however it is a good deal east of the area depicted by the lines.  And the lines stop far short of the Monroe Uplift.  The area of the lines would appear to be in the vicinity of the majority of Whiting's L SMK units and wells.  There could well be a relationship.

Although I do like Skip's response better" thanks for the reference Jeffree1, those two lines "fault lines" that are indicated on page 4 are very similar to the the ones on the 2014 map I posted, they are exactly the same direction and width. So since its a discussion opportunity?this "to the naked Eye" seem to be the reason there's nothing sliding south of them until you get to Monroe. the ? would be : does this eliminate the possibilities of continuing southern flow? 

Eric, If I'm understanding what you mean by "flow" the answer is the hydrocarbons (oil, gas and Natural Gas Liquids) generally do not flow in the Lower Smackover as the rock matrix is too tight.  In other words the hydrocarbons are locked up in the rock and the rock must be stimulated (fracked) to release them.  The Lower Smackover is an unconventional reservoir so throw out all your concepts based on conventional reservoirs that have been the focus of exploration and production in the past.  In my opinion the land on either side of the fault lines to some undetermined distance (especially to the south and west) is likely to be some of the best rock for liquids.

Since that is a geology question... maybe a geologist will show up to offer an opinion.



See page 13 which essentially maps the Mexia fault system as extending into the area of interest, with perhaps some deviation.  The fault system does, in some cases help build the trap for some of the conventional oil and gas systems.  


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