Does anyone know of any activity in Cass County?

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Thank you Waylon!

Cass Co Gal,

From what I hear, which is the same as a few have posted, is that Pegasi is out of money.  That is complete hearsay.  I heard it from an employee of one of their partners who was probably not really in the 'know'.  It makes sense though.  I was in town when they drilled and completed that hz well in Cass, and as we know now, it had a nice IP, but production dropped quickly and it doesn't look like it will pay out.  They can still assign their leases to other companies to try and recoup some on their investment.  Chances are that the area Pegasi targeted is a little farther north than PLG/Anadarko is wanting to lease.  I honestly can't remember their leasehold acreage although I remember plotting it out (based on what they filed).  It was pretty far north in the southern half of Cass Co.  I appreciate your thanking me for my comments.  Posting on a website like this is a little intimidating.  I am by no means an expert on anything relating to this forum, so please don't consider my comments too educating.



Thanks.  I will double check on that.  You might be right.  I was told that the people there were not traveling landmen but other folks like RoW/timber/real estate types.  This website is consuming.  I am going to try and not reply anymore.  I like to see new drill permits and completion reports.  ;)


Much appreciated Judy :)!

petro land is now leasing around carterville tx.

Are there any rumors (even wild ones) about what companies could be chasing in Cass County?

perhaps deep Smackover / brown dense?

How would I check to see what is going on around and near Abstract 647 in Cass Co. ?

Thanks Judy, I still have the minerals on my grandfathers place in that survey.  I live in College Station and was just checking to see if they were getting close to there.   It has been leased in the past a couple of times, but the lease was allowed to expire several years ago.

Judy, it's good that you are keeping an eye on filings with the Clerk's office.  I would like to offer a few suggestions.  If the energy company behind the leasing is a mid-major such as Anadarko the area being leased should be relatively large in scope.  If it is then there is a good chance that more than one land company will be offering leases on behalf of a single client.  If that is the case then the leasing may start out in several unconnected areas and, over time, merge.  Often the land companies will be using a common lease form and/or offering the same lease terms.  Searching for leases by grantee (name of the land company) only accesses those leases filed in that company name.  If the Clerk's office maintains a "Day Book" or their in-house computer system includes the ability to search for all instruments recorded for a given date, that would be a way to see all O&G leases being filed in the county regardless of the company recording them..  Land companies do not record leases as they get them.  Land companies will periodically record with the clerk the leases they have accumulated over time.  So many days can go by with no leases filed and then on a given date a number of leases will appear in the public record.  To track the progress of leasing I suggest a map of the surveys in Cass.  You can shade in each survey as leases are recorded and you can color code them if there are more than one land company taking the leases.  It is not necessary to make a copy of each lease or memorandum of lease.  If leases are filed, as opposed to memos,  copy a few over a period of time.  It is a good idea to copy leases for different size tracts to see if the lease terms vary.  Every so often copy a lease for a representative size acreage - one small, one large.  What you should copy is the index for the leases filed by grantee.  If leasing is active and the companies have begun recording the leases you can search once a week or once every two weeks to keep up.  Landowners are smart to look at records.  And landowners should not get in a rush to execute a lease while the leasing is unfolding and information is becoming available in the public record.

Judy, you're welcome.  Once you establish a routine and become familiar with the organization of the clerk's records you will find the task rather straight forward.  You may find a map w/ surveys online but you could also ask at the courthouse.  Each county has such a map.  It may be at the tax assessors office or other governmental agency.

Judy -

The folks at the Cass County Appraisal District office in Linden are real friendly and have a map of Cass County on a CD that they'll mail to you for about 40 bucks. It's very useful, although a little slow on my old  laptop and home wi-fi.  However, it synchs somehow with Google Earth, and  you can zoom in and out on any survey in Cass County, all the way down to ground level.  The maps can be adjusted to  show roads, landmarks, etc., as well as survey lines and names. Apparently, some adjoining counties (Marion)  don't have similar maps, but I haven't checked all. Maybe most useful of all, you can print out maps on your printer and save them on computer. 

I'm going to try and upload a sample map file this is a jpg file, but theoretically could be uploaded as a Google file, if I were less of a klutz.

I think it's a real good deal. 

Address for Appraisal Office is:

Cass County Appraisal District
502 N.Main  (not on square)
Linden TX  75563
Phone: 903-756-7545



Judy --

If you can handle this Forum on the Internet, the Google maps will be a cinch, I'm far from tech savvy and way over my head with even sending this reply.

 We owe all the GoHaynesvilleShale  folks big -time. Maybe some day somebody will  have an Ark-La-Tex site with county maps for all surveys, with metes and bounds and well data. That might level the playing field for all  mineral rights owners with smaller holdings.   

Thanks again, Cass County Gal and Skip.




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