In the flurry of leasing competition in the summer of 2008 there were a number of consecutive months of record breaking state lease auctions. As these were public lands, the lease bonuses for all bids were public record. Those who kept up with those state auctions will recall that Manna Acquisitions was the successful bidder on a number of Caddo Parish leases. Those leases were assigned to Chesapeake. Chesapeake has filed releases for all those Caddo Parish tracts in the Cross Lake area that were acquired in the auction sale date June 6, 2008. The six leases total 2,161 acres and the bonuses paid by Manna ranged from $11,750 to $14,000 per acre or a total of $28,182,000. The six release of lease conveyance documents were filed with the Caddo Parish Clerk of Court on August 3, 2009. Instrument numbers: 2242606-611.

The tract acreage, bonus and sections are as follows:
207 acres @ $14,500 in S17, 18, 19, 20 & 29 - 18N -15W.
157 acres @ $14,500 in S16, 20 & 21 - 18N -15W.
579 acres @ $11,750 in S19, 20, 29 & 30 - 18N -15W,
598 acres @ $11,750 in S21 & 28 - 18N -15W.
386 acres @ $14,500 in S32 & 33 - 18N -15W & S 4 & 5 - 17N -15W.
239 acres & $14,500 in S32, 33 & 34 - 18N -15W & S4 & 5 - 17N -15W

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There have been many discusions about this. search this site for more info.
Search under force pooling or unitization.



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