Chesapeake slashes 215 jobs ordered to pay 405 million to land owners who

In recent article from Rigzone website.
Chesapeake slashes 215 jobs in reorganization and is ordered to pay 405 million in royalties and punitive damages to land owners who were allegedley cheated.

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A fella cant even leave and go to church without missing out. The moon must be full.

I think you missed a little on the song tho 2 dogs. I was thinking a little more along the lines of ..........


I have no idea what you are taliking about.

Whatever it is why don't you bring it on and we'll air it out here and now.


PS I'm an asshole too (but not always). You, on the other hand, have been pretty consistant lately.

He also trades in innuendo....

OK. The poor choices Evodna is referring to are:

1) My first marriage ended in divorce. I regret that.

2) I used to drink and it caused me problems. I haven't had a drink in over 20 years.

Anything else, Earl?

BTW, thank you for posting the link....I was very proud of Evodna's endorsement.
And probably no lease bonus or royalty income during your lifetime. But heck, what do you care? By the way, thanks for all the very valuable info you've provided during the last year or so, you............Earl.
Thanks Greg for your kind words! This journey has already taken ages off of for a try?

Stay blessed...
Hey there, GoshDarn! So nice to see you today. Hope all is well with you and yours.
That was really kind of you to apologize on Greg's behalf. You are truly a special, person.

I thought about some of the things that were written on these pages earlier regarding the racism post on my way home from work and this quote popped into my mind: “God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things that can be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.” All I could do was smile.

I come here to chat about things that are of interest to me and my family...and to hang with some really genuine people who aren't afraid to look at another side of the same picture we all share. It doesn't matter that we don't agree...but it does matter to me when people resort to the vicious kind of name-calling that was slung around (particularly at KB and Earl).

I could leave us with this in-your-face quote by Dr. Seuss (“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”)...but that would probably only add fuel to an already simmering fire. So I'll try to do my part to be nice in here and shower us with a little Maya Angelou: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Thanks GoshDarn (and many MANY others in here) for making me feel at home while away from home. Stay healthy, happy and blessed!
Antsu, what racism posts are you referring to? You have referenced racism before on this site, but YOU are the only one bringing up racism. You seem obsessed with racism.
I am not white, yet I don't see racism anywhere on GHS site. I think I would know it if I saw it
I was on the political sites, KB, but I just don't think everything is racism. I think people try to see racism in a lot of things nowadays because it is "in." I grew up very poor on the US side of the Mexican border. My father was a Vaquero (cowboy) on a lg. ranch and my mother was a maid. Both immigrated to the US Legally. Neither were educated, but both were smart, hard working people who worked 6 days a week & supported a family WITHOUT welfare. They loved Pres. Kennedy because he said: "Ask not what your country can do for you but what YOU can do for your country." Today's motto should be: "Ask what your country can do for you as it seems everyone has a hand out." They instilled in all 7 kids to work hard, & put family first. All 7 kids went to college and on to successful lives. I have NEVER felt discriminated against, but then I never look for it. If I fail, I take responsibility for it and do not blame my color for it. My color or that I am a female has never kept me from achieving anything. I am a proud American. Susie
Susie, what a great family you must have. I agree with you about not looking for racism. I am a female and I don't encounter discrimination either, but then I never look for it. I work in a profession that has a lot of men, but I have always been treated as if I were another guy. I expect respect and I give respect.
Excellent comments, Kitty. I am female and have at times encountered discrimination. Not that it's a given or anything but I would suspect that many of our shaler men in here have at some time in their lives experienced it in one form or another as well (weight, age, race, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, etc!). It doesn't matter if we look for it or is often floating around somewhere for someone's benefit.

I have much respect for the Mother Teresas, Martin Luther King Juniors, Kennedys and Ghandis of this world who had the courage and love for fellow man to speak out against racism and the other debilitating "isms" that often cripple our societies. Those were voices, in my opinion, worth listening to.
Antsu, I have to disagree with you when you put the Kennedys on same level with Mother Teresa. I am sure Mary Jo Kopechne (following is one of the reports of her death I found.It is from Time Magazine) would also disagree about any respect shown for Edward Kennedy and his cousins who left her in a car to drown. By the way, other reports are more graphic and list the claw marks inside the car that she made trying to escape.,9171,878212,00.html">,9171,878212,00.html



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