I heard this week that a lg. group in Colquitt Rd. Estates had negotiated for $22500 an acre. This would have been the month of Sept. 2009. I heard this from a reputable source who supposedly heard it from one of the people receiving a bonus. This offer was from Chesapeake.
Can anyone on this board get confirmation of this?? It could have been an old offer from last year that was finalized. That I don't know.

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I should ad that Colquitt Rd. Estates is in Caddo Parish Sec. 7 T 16N R14W. I also heard that Chesapeake had gone in and modified its permit there to include the Bossier Shale in addition to Haynesville Shale. Of course this is all hearsay until we can get a confirmation
I own a home in Colquitt Rd. Estates and it is in sec.18 and sec. 7 is North of 18. There is a supper pad for both 7 and 18 on Chandler Rd. There is a rig just up on 7 , rig NOMAC #18 and 18 is NOMAC #22, is almost ready to go up. 10-23-2009 Rig watcher
P. S. The count house shows it in sec. 7 but that is wrong.


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