May he lead this great country with courage and wisdom.

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Yes, the same type of pattern that GWB had as follows; his first order of business was to start the war on the pretense of finding WMDs in Iraq but whose real motive was to get Hussein (after all he did try to kill his daddy) when he should have been after Bin Laden who was the real culprit; not to mention working with his brother to let all the illegal aliens into this country and give them immunity as well as tax free dollars to live while natural born Americans needed help; to allow all of our jobs to be sent overseas when natural born Amerians needed jobs; and then stealing the election in 2000.
Good Luck President Obama.
God Bless America and Obama
My sentiments exactly. I pray that Obama will seek God's guidance in all things.
I have the "audacity to hope" that he can turn our country around. I pray that the Good Lord guides him and protects him!
Good luck & prayers!
Good Luck Indeed!!!
I'm with you all the way GD, but I'm going to have to give him (IMHO) more 2 hours on the job before I call him truly great. How about 24 hours
ooohhhh Sonny Boy,
You are just like your Granddaddy!
I'm sorry Maw Maw, I will pull the plug if I light a fire on GHS. My finger is on the little red button as we speak.
Let see about this Change!!!
I wish the man luck and I hope he doesn't fail, I have my reservations there, but I don't think two hours on the job would make anyone a "great" president. I would have to say anyone who said such a thing was at best extremely hopeful or at worst extremely foolish.



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