May he lead this great country with courage and wisdom.

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Wrong.....the Bamster wants to do away with deductions for some intangables onshore too. Those of us that have not only heard of tax incentives for high risk enterprises, but also have studied it, understand that limiting incentive, even punishing those enterprises with special taxes (windfall profits tax) are fundamental incentives that encourage production. Others just pop off.
I am intelligent enough to KNOW they are part of the problem - Lobbyists!!!
Wow, why didn't I think of that? In just a few posts we have they keys to solving high med costs...we will destroy "Big Pharma" and now you, Sandstone, have identified people that represent interest groups ranging from soy bean farmers to jet fighter makers - people called Lobbyists, people who represent the interests of people and industry - as part of the problem, too. I thought the problem was uninformed electorate.
Spin, spin, spin....
dumb, dumb, dumb....
He doesn't play well with others!
I'm coming boys and girls, almost caught up on my work, and yes I do work.
Please don't leave, I'm sure, I'll find something interesting to say.
As if you were ever at a loss for something to say!
I always feel the need, to educate the educated. It's what I do best, besides fish.
They both use lures and they both reel them in.
Ain't no shortage of man- fish.
Can we lease "Solar" or "Wind" rights?
Might be something landmen can start doing after the G&O industries shut down, huh?
Sounds like a ground floor Opportunity, right?
I was thinking more along the line of here in Louisiana!
Obama is giving tax breaks to those type industries isn't he?



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