Check out this website on the history of oil prices.

So why are current oil prices so high? 

I think the TRRC should take hold of the Texas NG prices and Washington should mandate 50% of all new auto must run on it by 2015.

It seems like a no brainer from here because we could be cutting our demand for oil and using something that we already have to replace it with that is so cheap right now.   We could be putting a lot of Americans back to work and I would sure like to see my monthly mail box checks again.

Tags: Current, Oil, Prices

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T. Boone Pickens was on Fox today..actually he didn't make his points clear..but the gist of it from what I could tell is he wants feds to subsidize infra structure for natural gas fueling stations ..and to put 8 million ng trucks on the road.

He claims it will not cost tax payers anything (I never have seen a govt program that didn't cost the tax payers) and that it would reduce our dependence on Mid East oil by 70% (I like that).

I think his point was that with feds this could be done in half the time as it would if waited for private investors to do it.

Hmmm..just don't like to see feds messing in this ng distribution thing.

It did say he lost something like 150 million or billion (can't tell the difference anymore) on wind power..

Said that it would have been good investment if ng stayed at $7 but at $2.50 not good.

I knew wind power was a fraud or money pit when I visited Orange and the Coast and saw all those wind mill thingys stocked there and learned they all are imported from Denmark.  Thought then ..we should have built them in USA instead.

And also thought it strange that govt gave Solyndra all those millions when could have bought the solar panels cheaper from China (and maybe better ones) ..while they imported those huge wind mill things..I had to think of the freight costs on that deal.

Hope we get the infra structure without govt interference.

Will cutting down the amount of crude imported affect the price of the crude we get from here?

Oh he was very firm that he wants to export NG..

What would we do without Mr. T?  So glad he's on our side.

Yeah, well -- years back I heard stories (coming out of W. Texas) that T. Boone can be really tough when he wants to be.  At least, that's what they used to say about him.

Seems as though he's mellowed a bit these last five or so years.

But heck, at his age, who wouldn't want to have as much limelight as that cowboy has, huh?


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