Does anybody want to divide up the site between Shale and everything else?

I would like to know if anyone else besides me is interested in a split home page with Shale threads on top, then all of the other banter below in a separate thread section. This separate thread section could still be active where the hot threads go to the top, but they would not compete with the Shale threads. Thoughts anyone? The current tone of the site seems to be non Shale.

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You nailed it Parker!
I didn't see the discussion, have no idea what was said. But whatever was said was the responsibility of the person(s) saying it, and they will carry that into other discussions.
That might work....the strictly technical shale threads might intimidate dumbos like me from asking shale questions. I think politics is the problem though.
I see O&G pros get into pissing matches, as quick or quicker than anybody on their own subjects.
A lot of time O&G blogs turn into shouting matches of who is right and who is wrong, they get as silly or sillier than the political blogs. I'm willing to bet to more O&G's pro have left this site because of other O&G"S pros, rather than politics........just keeping it real.
I agree Jay.
if you want to see how politics start in oil and gas blogs, just read .............i need your input ,you people feed off yourselves HA HA
That post shows exactly what this problem is about. In my opinion.
BD. Ditto!
i agree the shale will not be taking a backpage
I see the value of a shale specific area and the value of a general discussion area. I think in order to maximize the value of each, a seperate but equally displayed discussion area is in order. I'm altering what is now the underused "Reviews" section to become another forum that functions similarly as the current one. check out these categories and let me know what you think
Keith. I like the site format just like it is. I am opposed to a "shale only" discussion format and I consider it impossible to formulate, much less enforce, a "no hi-jacking" policy. If peer pressure works, fine. If not, we live with it. I just want inflammatory, mean-spirited partisan politics off the main page. You may choose to segregate it from the main page but my preference is to ban it. Completely. Those who wish to get down in the mud and wrestle over political dogma can do so on some other site. IMO, it is impossible for on-line political discussions to be carried on in a respectful and substantive manner.



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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