Skip or Les B., or anyone else who might have local knowlege.  Encana has drilled the Blackstone Ivory 5 in 13/9, Section 5 of Red River Parish.  Would it be possible for you to show me where this well is located within Section 5.  Encana drilled this well as a vertical and my fear is that there is a fault running thru the section which may account for the vertical.  They are just not drilling any verticals at this stage of the game, so why would Encana drill one in this section?   Any thoughts or knowlege about why Encana would drill this section with a vertical and where the well is placed in the Section would be greatly appreciated a I own a few mineral acres in the section.  It is just a mystery to me unless there would be a geologic reason for the vertical.  Thanks in advance.

Tags: 5, Blackstone, Encana's, Ivory, R9, Section, T13, in, well

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Checkmateking, I hope you're right, but either I'm losing my marbles or you looked at the Blackstone 8, which has a surface location in Section 5.
To add to my confusion, the Pad in Section 5 is obviously a large pad, because after drilling the Section 5 Blackstone Ivory as a vertical but before completing it, Encana apparently skidded the rig one foot south and 45' east and is now drilling the Blackstone 8 as a horizontal from the Blackstone 5 pad. This is just turning into real bad luck for me.
Yeah I looked at the wrong well first, your marbles are intact. Mine are somewhat in disarray this morning.

Thanks, Skip. I'm still hoping someone with local knowlege can provide a clue as to why Encana would drill this well as a vertical.
It's a puzzle to me also, SB.
I never thought I'd hear myself say that I hope the reason for the vertical is to HBP the Section, but if that is the reason why not just go ahead and drill the lateral while the rig was sitting there. Horizontal wells are permitted to the east and west in Sections 4 & 6, and a well is currently drilling to the south in Section 8 from the Section 5 pad. Nothing is permitted or drilling immediately to the north in Sections 32 or 33 of 14/9. I just have a bad feeling about a fault running thru Section 5!
SB, are you aware of confirmed instances of faults occurring anywhere in the Play to date? And if so, what was the result? I had expected to run across this question sooner or later. This many wells into the Play, I was beginning to think that faulting was not a particularly prevalent problem.
I am pretty sure there was a fault problem Shalegeo was talking about, maybe in North DeSoto or southern Caddo, had to go east-west on the lateral, I seem to recall somthing along those lines.
Skip, I know of one major fault.......the Elm Grove Fault....which is depicted on Page 12 of Encana's most recent report for The USA Division. I was about to acquire some minerals in Desoto Parish and a geologist friend (not ShaleGeo, though he is a friend) suggested that I avoid the particular section because of the Elm Grove fault. In an abundance of caution, I took his advice, right or wrong. Too much money involved not to be careful.
SpringBranch, how can I tell if 161030, Bossier is in the fault?
and is 131234, DeSoto parish, in fault



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