EOG just completed a monster H Shale well in East Nacgodoches County Texas

Gammage # 1 H in North Chireno area Nacgodoches County was completed last week and is said to be monster of shale well equal to any in NE La. They premitted a 2nd well in same area the Hill # 1 H EOG is JV with Hk. This is about 7 miles South of Martinsville Texas. I would not be surprised to see these wells shut-in with NG $3 range until market improved to the $ 6-7 range

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I heard from a Samson contact of mine that they was flowing into Texas Eastern via a Samson tap but were consequently shut in because of a 40% CO2 and 7% H2S content.
That is horrible. Will devistate any prospective Nacogdoches shale. I'll be lucky to get $100/acre.
JoeK--- if you have minerals in area and interesting in selling give me contact info and location of your minerals I can find buyer if not me for $100 acre and you can go your way without worry about it anymore
I'll give you $200.
Can anyone else comment on this?
ALongview. May I? I would doubt the veracity of the above posts. I think that Martin and JoeK are running a line of BS for their own benefit. Just my opinion. I could be wrong. But I doubt it.
Thanks Skip. It gets tiresome to have to wade through the BS. If it weren't for the honest ones who will answer the questions of us "non-experts" , we would never know the truth of what is going on.
ALongview. It is incumbent on all members to make up their own minds regarding the veracity of comments on the site. And to ask questions when they are unsure. Obviously Keith can not vet or monitor everything that goes on here in the shale community he has created. We have to do our part. Skepticism is healthy. Questioning comments or opinions is always good form when done in a respectful manner. Peer review is the order of the day. And the best way to maintain the value of GHS.
Skip Peel: You are exactly right. As a mineral owner with very limited knowledge of the O & G business, I appreciate all the information I can get from people who do know. I don't live in the area so I would appreciate any info I can get on the Nacogdoches county area, especially the YBarbo survey. With at least 10 wells permitted and/or drilled in that general area it obviously has the companies expecting big things.
Skip Peel---See my UPDATE just posted on page 5
Is that why JoeK won't sell me his minerals for $200???? Awwww, shucks.
ALongview, I also believe the CO2 & H2S levels are not accurate. I am not aware of any instances of natural gas in East Texas containing anything close to these levels of CO2 & H2S. Texas Eastern Pipeline specifications are 3% CO2 & 0.0004% H2S maximum so no gas close that level would have been allowed on the pipeline.


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