EPA supressed report on anthropogenic global warming. Cap and Lie?

(CBS/AP/iStockphoto)The Environmental Protection Agency may have suppressed an internal report that was skeptical of claims about global warming, including whether carbon dioxide must be strictly regulated by the federal government, according to a series of newly disclosed e-mail messages.

Less than two weeks before the agency formally submitted its pro-regulation recommendation to the White House, an EPA center director quashed a 98-page report that warned against making hasty "decisions based on a scientific hypothesis that does not appear to explain most of the available data."

After reviewing the scientific literature that the EPA is relying on, Carlin said, he concluded that it was at least three years out of date and did not reflect the latest research. "My personal view is that there is not currently any reason to regulate (carbon dioxide)," he said. "There may be in the future. But global temperatures are roughly where they were in the mid-20th century. They're not going up, and if anything they're going down."

Hope and Change? Transparency? This is a joke, now top EPA scientists are admitting Global warming is warmed over dog***t. http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2009/06/26/politics/politicalhotsheet/...

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Don't you know that ole' boy is toast. He'll be working in North Alaska after this. How dare your challenge the great one, off with your head.
I thought this was going to be the most transparent administration ever? Oh yeah, Obama's neo-Marxist agenda and trillions of dollars of new energy taxes happen to be more important than the truth. Northern Alaska, hah, if he's that lucky. I was thinking Antarctica.
It's so TRANSPARENT... it's invisable! jhh
The saddest part of the house voting on Crap and Tax is that the bill had not even been finished when they passed it, the constitution states the bill must be in the house well before any vote can take place. Didn't Obama promise that all bills would be online for at minimum of 5 days before any vote would take place? Just another one of his lies.
If its on the internet...is it really suppressed?

Yours truly.

The Iranian people

Good point. This was my attempt at if a tree falls in the forest humor.
or maybe its not that funny afterall....
Thanks Baron,

I did enjoy it Baron. Sometimes I just can't resist, besides we need a little humor here and there to lighten up the mood. The thread below us, took a turn at nastyville.
The EPA did supress the report, someone let the cat out of the bag thank the Lord. If the science is settled, like KB and GoshDarn claim, why would the EPA need to supress scientific studies? Especially in the light that this report was finished only three weeks ago as the climate change zealots atempt to pass the most devastating bill in the history of our nation based on information that is over 3 years old. The earth has been in a cooling cycle for well over a decade now. I may not be a climatologist but I am not a fool.


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