I thought the attached G-1 and G-5 would be interesting to some folks.  G-1 has the completion information - looks like acid fracs and therfore the target is the limestone formations.  


24 hour production is 479 bbl of 42.8 API gravity condensate or oil.  1179 bbls of water with that.  Note this is a vertical completion across multiple, thick zones.  


Maybe I need to get Joe Aldrige to look at this, but it looks more like what he describes as TMS rather than Eagle Ford Shale.  Any other thoughts?

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A few weeks back, there were rumors of Encana pull out, CHK losing interest, XTO hadn't drilled anything (and still hasn't), trivium had permitted a few things, nothing new from Navidad, nothing new from Burk, etc.  Oil and gas tends to move in as a herd, and if the herd bolts, it isn't a good sign if you want something drilled now.  evidence now is that the herd is simply moving slower than some of us would like, but is finding reasonably green pastures.  

The news on Encana is positive- they have other places to put money and are still putting some in the area.  Its simply a confirmation that there is something worth looking for/at.  

Trivium i gets bits and pieces.  I think they've probably found at least a few promising things, and are probably doing some science and infrastructure stuff.

CHK losing interest appears more to be a preservation of capital than anything, Navidad has tanks on the RC Adams, and Burk has posted (a not stellar) completion report for another well.  Pretty sure XTO will drill what is permitted, but not getting in clear signals on what they plan to do.  I would have figured the woods in Pennington would be crawling with surveyors, but havent hear anything.  

SM Energy continues to drill on their beast - probably getting some good/interesting info on that.  

Thanks dbob,

I do appreciate the information, It is a bit clearer to me. I did go back and read about Encana and it does seem very positive for them.  Need to go and study the TRRC and see what else I can find. Went and looked on the TRRC and I didnt find anything for Encana in Houston County they seem to be up in Leon County and just a quick glance seem to be west of 45. Didn't check all of the listings for them, Need to see if I can find a map to see where the formations are.



Thanks again




 Encana drilled a couple medium Eaglebine wells just South of Centerville ----- this is pretty far North for this play and since the play has advanced from West to East all the way from the Rio Grande one could assume that their "find" will be good for N Houston County


Thanks again for the information, I enjoy hearing about everything that is happening in the county as well as neighboring counties. I hope they all have excellant results and stay in the area. I just hope the progress will be good for all.  Look forward to reading and learning more.

Thank you


Seems like all is quiet in Houston County, is it the heat? Have checked out the TRRC not seeing anything new. Any updates.

 Only 2 rigs showing drilling in HC on last Friday's Report  ----- the ones that call the shots and pay the bills have air conditioning ---- It could be the < $80 OIL and $2.50 NG ?     ---- unleaded Gas usually goes up in the summer but this summer it is going down ?

Thanks DH,

Was just checking TRRC again and checking activity around the county and up in Leon county. Seeing lots of green dots just nothing close to my family. Will keep checking back. Do you know if Jackson is completed as far as the fracking goes.  Don't mind seeing the prices come down a little but don't want the activity to stop.

Thanks again.

NO fracing on Jackson   ------ The HC rigs are mostly shared with Madison Co. ---- they may all be over there on some leases that are expiring soon etc. ------- Madison Co activity started at least a year before HC  and many of the same companies are in both counties ----------- Yep, just Checked 7 rigs in Madison and 4 across the line in Grimes------ 1 each in Brazos and Leon

Just checked out the TRRC and Trivium has a new permit for a well 4.6 miles sw of Austonio. Survey name is A Henrie. Permit is for 11000 feet. Any news of completeions for them.

Does anyone know the location, well name, API number or other information corresponding to the rig shown operating in central Houston County on the Baker Hughes Rig Map?  Object ID 706444.  Thanks in advance.




  Trivium (Basin #!03) is in the final stages of drilling the "Dan Ackley"  this well is a few mils S of Austonio and Trivium/Terrace have filed a new permit this week for the "Morgan"  a few miles SW of Austonio we reported the original staking of "Morgan" maybe 5 months ago.

   Navidad (Scandrill Glory) is working on the Eastham Prison Farm in the South end of the county as far as I am aware these are the only 2 rigs working in HC at this time.

    The Basin #103 rig must be modern as it seems to be able to drill a well in < 20 days while some of the other rigs are taking >30 days. 

     Some completion work is steady at "Brown" and "Worley" wells  not sure about any others

Do you know anything about a possible gas processing plant going in out on Eastham? Just seen a lot of trucks carrying equipment turning on cr3510.


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