We got an offer from Meridian timber company of $12,000 for timber on our 80 acres of land. Is this a fair price? Is there anything else we should be looking out for?



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Thank you all so much for your advice. My acreage is in section 36 desoto parish 11n 12w. It looks like I have a lot of phone calls to make tomorrow. My siblings and I are in no rush, and if we do sell, we want to get it right!

Thanks again.


I have no idea what size or type of timber you have. My problem is I don't like this stuff of paying by the ton for timber. Anything that is large enough to be considered timber should be scaled on the Doyle Scale. In that case each log is measured. The length is taken and the diameter inside the bark on the small end. That gives the actual board feet of lumber in the log. That's how all of my timber is sold. On the other hand wood "pulp" I allow to be sold by the ton.  I'm not sure where this "ton" stuff comes from with timber. I would not sell to someone that was going to pay me by the ton for my timber - period.

When you talk to these foresters ask them how they are going to sell your timber by the ton or on the Doyle Scale. I think this is very important.



Was this timber track planted, (Tree Farm), grown up old pasture land, or forest that hasn't been cut in the last 50 years?


A tree farm or forest would be more valuable than pasture land allowed to re-forest itself.






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