How do you determine how you get royalty payments. A friend has 20 acres in the Stanley area and they just finished fracing a well.  She wants to know when to expect a check and what payments could be in the future.  Any help?

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Hi Teresa, there has been numerous discussions on this topic and they can be accessed by utilizing the search function on the homepage.
$300-$600 per acre per well is a reasonable figure to plan on. So for one well and 20 acres, $6000-$12,000 per month for the first several months then declining from there. You'll owe the tax man almost half of every months check.
From what I hear, it's more like a little over a hundred dollars an acre. Sure hope what I'm hearing is wrong!
There are some pretty important assumptions baked into those estimates. What range of gas prices and well production rates is being assumed? Also, as far as taxes go, make sure that you are accounting for depletion when you do them.

Certainly you may get lots of advice on this topic, let me offer some advice to relate to your friend on a related topic:

Don't count on the money until it comes,
Don't use the money to justify other purchases,
Don't budget based upon possible future returns,
Don't believe your well will perform like "X" well until it actually does.
Make cure to put aside enough to pay your tax the moment the money comes in, and don't borrow from it so that you can pay it when it's due.
Put aside enough for a rainy day; that well produces oil and gas, not perpetual sunshine.

Related advice being related by someone else (sorry, can't take credit for this one): "Most of us live from paycheck to paycheck anyway, so treat mailbox money like you've just spent your last dime and you just got an unexpected Christmas present. Then every month that mailbox money comes in will be like Christmas."

Good luck to you and your friend. Maybe your friend will buy you a present!

Great Advice...Unless of course you are...Chk, Hk, XTO, Shell, BP, EXCO, etc. Then just do the opposite! (LOL)

DrWAVeSport Cd1
very wise advice Dion
Good adivce Dion......... don't count on it till you see it!



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