Fun Article On The Supply Of Natural Gas And Its Potential!

Lot's of guesswork but you can definitely get the point. Why the Gov't doesn't see what is right in front of their faces I can't figure out.

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Great article, ALongview. Thanks for posting it.
intrepid - I saw that "60 Minutes" piece, too, and just shook my head. Then i just figured Rodgers must have written an big, fat check for air/ad time, so he got the interview? And I don't understand putting the emphasis on plug-in HEPV's that are going to increase electric consumption and that utility bill for consumers. (Although I think there is one HEPB under R&D that recharges via the braking system.)The ngv's will lower fuel bills. I'm starting to get the idea that we're beating our heads on a rebar reinorced brick wall here.
I like this part: "Natural gas can truly be the “bridge” fuel to see America through the age of peak oil and into the age of renewable energy and onto a hydrogen based future. We can do it, but we need policymakers who will stop saying “clean coal” every chance they get and an Energy Secretary who is not “agnostic” about natural gas. We also need TV shows like 60 Minutes to invite natural gas knowledgeable folks on to debate Duke Energy CEO James Rogers when he says there is no alternative to building more coal plants (Duke Energy is currently building two more). Mr. Rogers: can you hear me? There is a very viable alternative – and it’s called NATURAL GAS."
That is a great idea. I would love to see a debate about the viability of nat gas vs. the myth of clean coal moderated by Dr. Chu.
It continually amazes me what a no brainer it is that NG is answer...right under the nose of the political policy makers and they remain clueless. Can they be so "blonde" or do they have an "agenda" ?
Hope some of those blondie's read that article.
i sent that to some friends of mine, yet another excellent article from that site.



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