Nabors Drilling #X17 reported Spud Date 8/25, 5 days Drilling Ahead @ 797', 8/29.

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well Skip, have to keep our figures crossed.  Please keep me posted,  Many thanks, Judy Smith

one more thing,, I did sign a lease.  Am I a mineral lessor?

I guess if our Primary Leases expire in February that will be Our answer from GDP anyway.....Not the answer we want to hear but an indicater of the pain that they might be feeling.......Being in the Little Silver Creek Field makes me  think we will be in a Unit ,HBP by then instead of being expired or paid that 2 year  option......Wouldn 't that hurt GDP Less ???


I suspect that the extension option is the least expensive alternative.  There are a number of Little Silver Creek units, have you reviewed them to see if you are in one?

Not in one yet....We are just East of SUF in Washington Parish....,.It has a well pad ready.........We  are still waiting....But I do have all of the Maps with my neighbors in them........The SUD has been permitted ,it steps over into Wash. Parish and 2 more pads being worked on right down the road......I don t think they will just let them expire ,in my opinion....I don t mind getting paid the option but would rather be in a unit ........

Kevin, does this mean that those people who have mineral rights for this well will not get anything?  Our lease will expire in January, 2015.

 Judy, I don t think there are any wells in Washington Parish yet  that are part of the Latest Shale drilling....The Well Pads are being built ahead of time so the drilling rigs will have places to go when time comes.........If you are in a Drilling Unit ,your land is HBP or Held By Production and as I understand you will be participating in Royaltys once a well is drilled and producing.   I will ask Skip to correct me if I m wrong ..I am still learning also......And I will ask Judy where is your Land ? In Mt Hermon ?  Are you in a Unit ??

Kevin, one point of clarification, being in a unit does not necessary mean you are HBP as there are many units in the TMS that still don't have a producing well yet.  For example Halcon has create many units, but they are taking a break from drilling in the TMS, so leases in those units without wells could still expire.

Thanks TC..That has been a question that has been asked for awhile.....Whether or not a Well has to be in place to HBP......I have been asked this by several people but wasn t sure what the answer was.........With that there are a lot of units in the Little Silver Creek Field  around here that have Well Pads but no Well.........So they can still expire and are Not Hbp until a well is drilled ???? Or can that vary with Lease language...???

Again Thanks for Helping Clarify....I don t want to Mis Lead anyone as I sure am Not an expert in this matter.....

Kevin, I am in the Verberne well in Kentwood.  Little Spring Creek.  They have already drilled and fracked, just a matter of getting it under production.  Thanks!

I passed by the Verberne site today ..It looks like they got water from several different sites..there were a few ponds that were real low.......I wonder where they will source the Williams well......I also saw them setting up on the Williams...

me too!



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