Go Gault! (1)

I commend for your consideration Michelle Malkin’s column in the March 7th Shreveport Times with the headline wealth producers vs. redistributors

Here’s the operative premise:

“The perpetual Borrow-Spend-Panic-Repeat machine in Washington depends on the capitulation of the wealth producers.” She further states, “There’s only one monkey wrench that can stop the redistributionist thieves’ engine. It is engraved with the word: Enough.”(2)

(1)A reference to the famed Ayn Rand novel “Atlas Shrugged” in which protagonist John Gault leads the entrepreneurial class to cease productive activities in order to starve the government of revenue.

(2) Cut back production (don’t you work or allow your capital to work as hard), save your money, pay off debt, strive to knock taxable income down to the bear minimum to meet obligations.

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Jim, yep. Inflation makes a $1 trill deficit and other fixed-rate payments very manageable in just a generation. ...Enjoy your comments. Best, MB
Is it just going to be a trillion? This is good news, where did you get this number?


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