Whats up all. Went out to my property on Friday and saw the Rig for myself. First time I've wanted to sprint to something in a while when I got out of my truck. Heres my question. There are good doctors and bad docters, good cops bad cops, Good drilling crews and not so good drilling crews? Right? Do some rig companies and drilling crews have better reputations than others. Are there better rigs than others, or are all horizantal rigs" state of the Art." Les or Skip, take it away...
Young land Owner

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Just saw this.

The Piceance Basin now is being worked by about 25 drill rigs, down from more than 100 late last year.

One factor that tends to encourage companies to continue drilling is that those that have remained busy are beginning to reap the rewards of having their most efficient rigs and most capable crews doing more work in less time,” Dukes said.
I didn't reply because I didn't really want to touch this topic with a 10' pole. However, since nobody else is answering you...

Rig crews are just like us, and if you have your own business, they are just like anybody you would hire. Some of them suck. If drilling was happening on my land, I'd keep a watchful eye. Now, I'm not saying get near their operations, or be in the way. But rig hands don't need to be wandering around other parts of your land, or hunting, or fishing, or leaving their trash laying around. I'd be having a contact person with the operator, probably the company man in charge of the drilling operations if possible. If you politely and assertively address any issues, it should be ok. I wouldn't discuss any problems with the actual drilling company superintendent/foreman, cause sometimes that gets things swept under the rug. Although some rig supervisors are great guys and run a tight crew.

You may never have any problems, but don't ignore any either.
ylo. Your question is above my pay grade although Les and some other members may give you the benefit of their expertise. I will say this, it was more difficult, and expensive, to find available drillers with significant horizontal completion experience and top drive rigs last year. Now that the demand has slackened, any company that is willing and financially capable can most likely find a good drilling contractor.


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