I just saw on Halcon's web site that they have ~315,000 acres leased or under contract in the TMS. Does anybody have any idea where this acreage is located?

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One thing is for sure: We can make all the predictions about the future of the TMS we want, but, the price of oil is the governing factor and no one really can be sure where that is headed longterm. Assumptions are the basis of every theory on future oil supply, demand and price and I see those  assumptions and theories crumble time after time. Oil could be $200 or $20 this year next time depending on economic and geopolitical factors that are totally unforeseen. All we are doing is guessing about the future of the TMS and anyone's guess is just as worthless as the next person's guess. The only thing we can say with some degree of certainty is that the TMS will rise or fall based on economics and that factor is subject to lots of  unpredictable variables. No one has it figured out.  IMO


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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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