Drilling Down: Haynesville Shale overtakes Eagle Ford Shale


Sergio Chapa July 17, 2020  houstonchronicle.com/business/energy

The natural gas-rich Haynesville Shale of East Texas has overtaken the Eagle Ford Shale of South Texas in two important ways.

Spread out over East Texas and northern Louisiana, the Haynesville has become the second most-popular destination for drilling rig operators in the United States.

The Haynesville surpassed the Eagle Ford on May 1 when it had 32 active rigs and the Eagle Ford had 30. And the gap has gotten wider. There are now 33 active drilling rigs in the Haynesville compared with nine in the Eagle Ford, marking the first time there have been fewer than 10 drilling rigs in the South Texas play since its discovery in October 2008.

But now, the Haynesville also is surpassing the Eagle Ford in drilling permits.

There were no horizontal drilling permits filed in the Eagle Ford from July 8-14 while five were filed in the Haynesville, where Houston oil companies Rockcliff Energy and Sabine Oil & Gas plan to develop five gas wells.

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Mr. Chapa, like so many energy reporters, uses the term, Haynesville Shale, as an area description.  I suspect they get their weekly rig counts from rig reports that list the target formations.  From time to time, there are rigs drilling targeting other formations.  Even horizontal wells may be drilling other formations, the Cotton Valley being a regular example.  Further down in the same article, you get this.  I don't consider it accurate to list a vertical Willow Springs well in a county with zero Haynesville Shale as "Haynesville Shale"!  Go figure.

Haynesville Shale

Dallas natural gas company Dallas Production plans to re-complete a vertical well on its Clemens “G” lease in Greg County. Located 8.5 miles northwest of Longview, the well targets the Willow Springs field in two geological layers to a vertical depth of 10,580 feet.


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